It Is Time to End Performance Reviews

The problem with the way performance reviews are done in the federal government is the unholy alliance between job appraisals and financial incentives. They are built on the notion if you perform well you will receive monetary awards. This sounds good on paper. Unfortunately, it does not work in the real world. It creates thisRead… Read more »

Design Thinking For Evolving Solutions

Design thinking is shaking up how top innovators do business. But it is not a new flavor of the month — it has been practiced for decades. You can benefit from design thinking no matter what your background or field.

25 Years of the CFO Act

Twenty-five years ago Congress passed the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act. This act marked the beginning of an era that incorporated necessary positions of oversight; ranging from CFOs to Chief Information Officers (CIOs). But, what do all these acronyms really mean? Have they been successful in helping government function more smoothly? Jim Taylor, Managing DirectorRead… Read more »

Grade Gov’s Performance Reviews

Performance reviews are not just report cards. Employees often feel like performance reviews are just a waste of time because they seem to provide little feedback to truly enhance the agency’s mission. Performance reviews can also provide an avenue for communication within the agency. They can provide a way for both employees and leaders toRead… Read more »