There’s No “I” in Federal Team

It should come as no surprise that government work (on any level), particularly in the federal sphere, requires complete teamwork. Unfortunately, there are some inherent discrepancies when dealing with rotating political leadership with the approach of a new administration. But there are ways in which executive leadership can improve the system from within after suchRead… Read more »

Beat Holiday Stress By Being Grateful

A consistent practice of gratitude is what’s really good for you. Besides personal perks like improved physical and emotional health, being a grateful person can help you reach your career goals. It helps you be more likable, makes you a more effective manager, helps you network and get mentors, and improves your decision making capabilities… Read more »

Using Data to Find Your Perfect Federal Agency

In the private sector, you wouldn’t join a new company without first looking at their workplace culture, right? Of course not! You want to be happy, supported, and provided with opportunities to grow, so you do your research before accepting an offer. However, you might think of government – particularly the federal government – asRead… Read more »

Forecasting Cyberattacks

Let’s just take a step back and imagine a world in which we didn’t have people who forecasted the weather at all. Wouldn’t planning and dressing appropriately for the entire day (or even for different intervals throughout the day) be very difficult? The bottom line here is that forecasting is essentially the best solution weRead… Read more »

Using Analytics to Create Smarter Cities

Regional and municipal governments strive to deliver higher levels of service, but face challenges with little funding to support their efforts. One solution that delivers services more efficiently combines open data and smart city programs. Software as a service helps cities and municipalities acquire swifter data-driven decision-making capabilities. In a recent IBM report, we getRead… Read more »

Can You Help a Low-Performing Employee Improve?

At some point during their careers, most managers will face the difficult task of dealing with an employee who consistently falls short of goals and is facing termination. And while the decision to fire someone is never easy, it’s even more challenging when it involves an employee who initially showed promise or who’s especially passionate… Read more »