Avoiding the Most Common Cyber Security Threats in the Workplace

Your coworkers on the IT team are not the only ones who should feel responsible for cybersecurity in the workplace. Every employee, either on campus or at home, should feel accountable for the security of their networks and devices. With the increasingly interconnected world we live in today, there are unfortunately constant and countless opportunitiesRead… Read more »

Tips for Creating an Effective Brand

When you think of today’s top brands, which ones come to mind first? Maybe you think of Apple and its reputation for leading the world in innovative technology and beautifully designed products or Nike for inspiring and clothing today’s top athletes. Developing your brand is the single most important asset to an organization. “Brand isRead… Read more »

What Challenging Yourself Really Means

Today, I will try to challenge you. As a young professional, I often hear key phrases like this when attending career info or advice sessions. Established professionals at some point always say how important it is to “Challenge yourself! Get out of your comfort zone! Do something that makes you scared.” When I hear suchRead… Read more »

Cyber-What do the People Want from Govt?

The data collected, saved, utilized, and disseminated from the public is an essential part of government’s backbone. But at the same time, the government must be good stewards of the data. It’s their job to secure constituents’ data. But with great data collection comes even greater responsibility. In the 21st century, American citizens are demandingRead… Read more »

Building Resilient Teams

No matter how savvy, smart, and cooperative your team, challenges can shake up any rhythm, discourage those involved, and derail progress. Resilience is the secret to learning from mistakes and growing stronger after a major challenge. Building resilience starts with team culture.

5 Tips on How to Have A Tough Conversation At Work

We’ve probably all been a part of difficult conversations that went spectacularly wrong. There were meltdowns, hard feelings – maybe even ruined relationships. Because of this it can be hard to want to bring up a difficult subject when the need arises. We brace ourselves for confrontation, and put off the conversation as long as… Read more »

What Is Innovation? Says Who?

Innovation is a broad topic talked about in ways which confuse the subject. It’s also a subject that generates a wide range of reactions. This blog defines innovation and views it through three lenses – customer, organization, individual – to bring into focus what it might mean for you. I like to use a definitionRead… Read more »