What I Learned About Working in Government from Long Distance Running

When I’m not saving the world as a federal government employee, I enjoy long distance running. My relatively short legs do not quite paint the picture of an elegant, gazelle-like runner, but I have laser-like determination, a “never quit” attitude, and perseverance for days.  When I run, I am able to tune out many everydayRead… Read more »

The Leadership Strengths of Introverts

It’s no secret that extroverts hold the majority of leadership roles in the professional world. When you call to mind a high level executive, you probably picture someone with an outgoing personality and commanding presence, instead of a quiet, reflective individual. A USA Today study even found that 65 percent of senior level managers believeRead… Read more »

A GovLoop Mentee Reflects on Mentorship

Marissa Marquez, Assistant City Attorney at City of Houston’s Office of Inspector General, was a participant in this year’s GovLoop Mentorship Program cohort. As we finished up the 2015 program, Marquez recounted how her mentor, John Sim, an Assistant Director in the Justice Management Division at the U.S. Department of Justice, helped her rethink herRead… Read more »

Leadership Development and Selection in a VUCA World

Likely you’ve heard the term VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) and, perhaps, some agencies have begun utilizing the acronym in long-term strategic planning. But have you thought about its application in leadership selection and development? Here are some considerations to think about. Recently, at an international conference relating to assessment center methods, I listenedRead… Read more »

DOD’s Better Buying Power – A Path to Meaningful Acquisition Reform

Today, the IBM Center for The Business of Government is pleased to release a new report, “Beyond Business as Usual: Improving Defense Acquisition through Better Buying Power,” by Zachary S. Huitink and David M. Van Slyke of Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. The U.S. Government spends nearly $500 billion every yearRead… Read more »

How to Lead Your Team Out of a Blamestorm

Your team is talking about a tough slog of a project that hasn’t been going well. Milestones have slipped. Deliverables haven’t been delivered. Rather than determining how you can move forward together, your team is fixated on finding someone to blame for what went wrong. Tempers flare as everyone points their finger at everyone else…. Read more »

Hip Hip Hurray for Technology in Government!

Oftentimes we remember all the bad experiences- the mistakes. The bad can obscure the good. But it is critical for employee morale and an agencies’ health to talk about the wins. One of those government cheerleaders is Brian Baker, Industry Chief for the ACT-IAC’s (American Council for Technology and the Industry Advisory Council) Excellence.Gov AwardsRead… Read more »

Technical Deep Dive: What it’s like to build at #100MillionCitizens Scale

Originally posted by Torleiv Flatebo, Director of Platform Engineering and Site Reliability on the GovDelivery Blog While GovDelivery is now over 15 years old, we have always been a Software-as-a-Service company priding ourselves in pushing the envelope in terms of cutting edge government software. That said, over the course of the last decade, technology has changedRead… Read more »