NextGen Registration is Open

Since 2010, GovLoop and Young Government Leaders have brought together hundreds of government leaders at the two-day Next Generation of Government Training Summit. Last year, over 700 public servants representing over 50 government organizations were inspired by innovation success stories and gained important leadership skills to inspire positive change in government. Keynotes included government leadersRead… Read more »

Illinois Makes the Business Case for Customer Service

Oftentimes customer service is an afterthought for overworked, under-budgeted and underappreciated states. And citizens are obligated to use government services, so why does the experience matter? Why waste the money? It matters, says Illinois Chief Information Officer Hardik Bhatt because, “governments don’t go out of business, but businesses go out of government.” In 2013, IllinoisRead… Read more »

Can You See Through the Money?

In a world filled with technology, we assume transparency is a given. We desire the ‘need to know’ and we believe it is our right to know. To top it all of, we hold our government to a higher standard. The concept of checks and balances fosters a sense of mutual accountability from citizens andRead… Read more »

An Introduction to Design Thinking

As part of our learning series leading up to the Next Generation of Government Summit, we spent an evening with Joshua Marcuse, Senior Advisor for Policy Innovation at the Department of Defense, and Beth Flores, a former DoD employee who now runs Impact Hub D.C. We only had an hour but it was enough time for themRead… Read more »

Supervisors Should Manage Consequences, not Discipline

One of the critical responsibilities that rests on the shoulders of supervisors is employee discipline. Many times discipline is viewed as something negative hence it tends to be avoided — which just causes more problems. One way to address this issue is to change mindset and terminology about discipline and instead focus on the concept… Read more »