Oh, the Problem Performances You’ll Meet

Remember the good ol’ days when we all received report cards in school? We may not have appreciated them at the time, but as adults, we may be able to see the value they gave us in framing problems we were facing or areas where we needed to work a bit more. Today, government isRead… Read more »

Using Performance Info to Make Decisions

Washington breathed a collective sigh of relief when a government shutdown was averted on September 30th. But that news overshadowed the quiet release of a GAO report on the government’s progress on using performance information to make better decisions. The Government Accountability Office is mandated by law to track the progress of agencies’ implementation ofRead… Read more »

Cut Red Tape With Strong DevOps

A common frustration among government agencies is the long and complex process in which new data and software is developed. Development and operations, or DevOps, is a phrase used to describe the agile relationship between Development and IT Operations efforts. The goal of DevOps is to change and improve the relationship by advocating better communicationRead… Read more »