Tips for Young Leaders to Succeed in the Workplace

Every few decades we undergo a change in the workforce demographics. Leadership has always had its challenges, but there are inherently different kinds of difficulties when there is a new wave of younger leaders emerging in the workforce. Tom Fox, Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at the Partnership for Public Service, sat down withRead… Read more »

Making the Leap from Good to Great Customer Service

This is an excerpt from the recent Customer Service Playbook for Government. In the guide, we detail six plays to help you transform the way your agency serves its citizen users. Customer service in government is not exactly stellar right now. Today, citizens expect seamless experiences similar to what they demand of the private sectorRead… Read more »

Easing Cloud Migration

This blog post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, the The Future of Cloud: 5 of the Latest Cloud Computing Trends in Government. Download the full guide here. The great cloud migration in government is well underway. How various government agencies support the cloud will differ depending on whether the agency is federal, state or local.Read… Read more »

How to Prepare Yourself for the Digital Age of Government

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a manual on all things life? You might even settle for a manual that helps you prepare for the digital age of government. Unfortunately, it does not exist – yet. However, there are experts out there like William Eggers who provide us with some tidbits about how toRead… Read more »