The Rhythm of Work

Just like their love of my drum set will ebb and flow, there is a rhythm to everything, including my own feelings towards what I do. There have been times when I’m so excited to go to work the next day that I have trouble sleeping; and then there are times when I’m dreading it… Read more »

Don’t Fear the Cloud

Remember the last time you sat outside on a sunny day staring up at the clouds? Remember feeling a sense of familiarity and tranquility? Or did you see a different kind of cloud – one that looked eerie, dangerous, and scary? Today, we are talking about cloud computing and the question is: which cloud doRead… Read more »

The Three Steps to Securing Your Data

It is more important than ever for government agencies to get on board with protecting the data they are entrusted with. Unfortunately, this is a classic example of a task that’s easier said than done. Combined with the speed at which we share data and the increasing amount of data being stored, it is becomingRead… Read more »

Effective Storytelling in 7 Steps

Storytelling predates the written word. Storytelling predates hieroglyphics and it even predates Twitter – seriously. The first orators used storytelling to inform, engage and entertain. But even with all that history, effective storytelling remains elusive for many. One of the reasons the art of storytelling has fallen to the wayside is the emergence of technology.Read… Read more »