Strategies for Deploying & Migrating to Office 365

This blog is an excerpt from our recent Industry Perspective, “Government in the Cloud: Strategies for Deploying & Migrating to Office 365.” To download the full brief, click here. We know that public and private clouds are a smart investment for government. Recently, hybrid cloud technology was identified as one of the top 10 strategicRead… Read more »

Counter Fraud Management for Government

Government organizations strive to become more efficient, effective, and responsive to the citizens they serve. Citizens expect government to be accountable about how their well-earned tax dollars are being spent. That’s why it is increasingly important that government balances equitable service to citizens while increasing revenue by proactively detecting tax fraud and noncompliance. While theRead… Read more »

Innovative Methods Reshaping Government Recruitment

The rapid pace of business, coupled with the changing workforce and modern technology have created a new imperative for recruitment. Traditional recruitment methods, such as websites and online applications, are no longer sufficient. Government agencies have to adapt to new recruitment methods to keep pace with these changes and build their future workforce.

Investing in the Lifecycle of Professional Development

When considering employee investment, we tend to think of helping workers after they’ve been hired. Actually, there is so much more to professional development. In truth, the processes behind targeting, recruiting, and hiring the right personnel for the right positions in your agency are the first few steps in the lifecycle of professional development. RichardRead… Read more »

15 Tips to Prioritize and End Procrastination in the New Year

One great goal for the new year is determining how to become more efficient at work through better prioritization and less procrastination. But, how can you prioritize when seemingly everything is of utmost importance? And how can you end procrastination when you’re paralyzed by fear of your overwhelming to-do list? Here are some tips to… Read more »

Top 10 Millennial-Friendly Federal Agencies

It’s no secret; federal government is very concerned about attracting and keeping millennials in the public workforce. Right now, only about 16 percent of the federal workforce is made up of millenials. According to a recent report by the Government Business Council, the federal government will need to hire more than 200,000 highly skilled workersRead… Read more »

Mapping Your Flu Season

It’s that time of year again – no, not football season or the holiday season… it’s flu season. Yuck! And this year’s influenza isn’t pardoning anyone, regardless of how many important, seasonal plans you’ve made. Fever, chills, coughing, congestion, runny nose, headaches, body aches, and fatigue are just a few of the symptoms you couldRead… Read more »