What Environment Exists in Your Agency?
In determining where your agency stands, there are some key measures to assist you in identifying areas of strength or weakness.
In determining where your agency stands, there are some key measures to assist you in identifying areas of strength or weakness.
Innovation. It’s the key to success that many leaders are looking for. With the pressure to increase quality while decreasing costs, there’s a revolving door of need for new strategies to tackle the complex challenges that the public sector faces. In this environment, innovative solutions can help deal with such challenges and provide meaningful change… Read more »
One way or another problem employees affect everyone. Somehow they continue to slip through the cracks and the government has fallen into this very web. But rest assured, bad governmental employees can be fired and, in some cases, should be. Stewart Liff argues we should even do it more often. Liff, President and CEO ofRead… Read more »
It’s not Dev versus Ops, it’s Dev plus Ops. The communication between development and operations departments is crucial to eliminating red tape from government software development. DevOps is a process of integrating the two departments with a goal of changing and improving their relationship. Some of the benefits of empowering DevOps include faster development time,Read… Read more »
With Open Season here, here are some questions to ask yourself, your doctors, and your agency’s health insurance professional in preparation.
“I have no one under the age of 40 in my office,” said a policy analyst from the Department of Veterans Affairs in a recent GovLoop survey. That policy analyst isn’t alone – the government is graying. According to the Office of Personnel Management, the average age of a government employee is 47. At theRead… Read more »
How should leaders in huge organizations ensure that every employee can feel valued and on the path to their full potential?
Can you think of a dispute you had recently that could have benefited from a structured conversation?
Among the many decisions that transitions teams and a new administrations will grapple with, executive talent management can be overlooked as a key priority.
Who is mostly responsible for engagement, the manager or the employee?