Empowering The Data You Already Have

  State and local governments are obligated to protect the vast amounts of data coming in from a variety of digital sources. As the nation’s record-keepers, these governments must decide how to combine, store, search, and analyze this data. That’s easier said than done. At GovLoop’s State and Local Tech Trends Virtual Training, we broughtRead… Read more »

4 Steps to Win Awards

Winning an award is a prestigious career highlight and bragging point that you and/or your team should share with pride. We at GovLoop are proud to announce that we recently won Bronze in the Chief Learning Officer’s 2015 Learning in Practice Award for Excellence in Social Learning. **brushes shoulders off** But this post isn’t aboutRead… Read more »

A New Meaning to Innovative Thinking

A wise man, Pat McCrory, once said, “interacting with government should be as easy as checking the latest scores on the internet or even shopping online.” McCrory, governor of North Carolina (which happens to be the fourth fastest growing tech state in the country) is making his vision come true. In GovLoop’s recent State andRead… Read more »

5 Major Myths about Leadership

Effective leadership takes forethought and preparation. While at times we can enjoy some spontaneous successes however being able to purposely repeat those successes is much more desirable. Preparing for your role as a leader is just as important as any technical skill you developed as a individual contributor. Preparation is not just studying aspects of… Read more »

Challenges At All Levels

Shrinking budgets, and aging workforces, and cyber threats, oh my! State and local governments face these obstacles and more while trying serve the community. In the effort to better tool government to face these challenges, GovLoop brought together a virtual training of experts to show how advanced technology and innovative practices can help public servantsRead… Read more »

So Much Data, So Little Space

We have a lot of stuff and not a lot of room. We have had to maintain important documents, whether it be for tax purposes, health, or other reasons. At one point or another, you run out of folders to hold these documents and places to put all of the folders. Recently, however, we haveRead… Read more »

The Foundations of Leadership Succession Planning

To prepare new leaders and create a talent pipeline, agencies can take a strategic approach that begins long before leaders make their exit. A strong succession plan leverages reliable information about workers’ strengths, career ambitions and potential to prepare the next generation of leaders in anticipation of workforce changes.