White is Right When it Comes to Engagement
I thought that surely the best role models of engagement in the most powerful government in the world would be exemplary representatives for ensuring their workforces look like the taxpayers they serve.
I thought that surely the best role models of engagement in the most powerful government in the world would be exemplary representatives for ensuring their workforces look like the taxpayers they serve.
We live in a world that relies heavily on technology and data. Everything has become more digital and accessible, even for government agencies. But with better technology comes the need for stronger cybersecurity measures. Cyber criminals are always getting smarter and finding new ways to steal your information. It’s crucial that government agencies create andRead… Read more »
Long gone are they days where workers are tied to their desks. In fact, people increasingly rely on mobile devices to access information – especially those in field staff positions. Those mobile workers require fast, reliable location-based apps to get their jobs done. But how do you do that effectively? At GovLoop and Esri’s Meet UpRead… Read more »
Flight is one of humanity’s greatest achievements and it also is an innovation that many of us look to for inspiration. We all roughly know that the Wright Brothers are credited with being the first to build and fly an airplane and that Amelia Earhart was the first female aviator to fly solo across theRead… Read more »
In a rut at work? These tips will help.
We are human beings, not robots. We all want a role in the workplace but we do not want that role to completely define who we are as individuals.
There are common standards in writing that should be followed to ensure accurate communication.
People usually tell me I’m a pretty strong presenter, and I can attribute a lot of that to my choir and theater days. Before becoming interested in government, I was the typical theater and choir geek. In college, I even studied vocal performance in the hopes of becoming an opera star – a modern dayRead… Read more »
The world we live in is increasingly complex. While innovation can help us create solutions to manage complexity, embodying its spirit can also help us remain competitive and unafraid of whatever the future may bring.
Just like their love of my drum set will ebb and flow, there is a rhythm to everything, including my own feelings towards what I do. There have been times when I’m so excited to go to work the next day that I have trouble sleeping; and then there are times when I’m dreading it… Read more »