Competency Trap

We all fall victim in our careers to the competency trap–the tendency to gravitate to those things that we do naturally. Since our workplaces reward us for our proficiencies and expertise, we get conditioned to do the same behavior over and over again because it feeds our need for recognition and appreciation.

Good Customer Service Starts with the Employee

Government leaders are all hyped about integrating the newest technological innovations into their agency to improve customer service, but we may have forgotten a step or two along the way. Although technological advancements do provide some avenues to bettering the services govies provide to their constituents, we have to remind ourselves about the basics ofRead… Read more »

5 Easy Ways to Get Your Team to Trust You

When you’ve earned your team’s trust, they can achieve greater success together and individually. They’ll work more collaboratively and accomplish tasks with greater efficiency. When they know they can put their trust in you, your team will be more likely to support your decisions and bring their full enthusiasm to their work.