Mentor, Coach, or Champion?

If you’re a professional woman working in government, I will bet big money that you have been told at least once that you should find yourself a mentor. It’s inevitably the go-to advice that I hear passed around when someone is facing career challenges or indecision. Honestly, it’s not bad advice. Here at GovLoop, weRead… Read more »

The Future of the Internet of Everything in Government

This interview is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, What the Internet of Things Means for the Public Sector, which explores insights and best practices into how government is using automated machine-to-machine transactions and implementing IoT in the public sector. At its essence, the Internet of Everything (IoE) is the connection of people, processes, data and things overRead… Read more »

How to Develop a Workplace Mentoring Program

We explored the many benefits of building and implementing a successful workplace mentoring program for government employees in our first article. Now we will explain the steps involved in developing an effective workplace mentoring program. There are different types of mentoring, such as one-on-one mentoring; group mentoring in which one individual mentors several people atRead… Read more »

A Chicken a Day Keeps the Doctor Away?

Do you know how many chickens this country eats yearly? Eight billion – yes, eight billion chickens are consumed by hungry Americans every 365 days. Raising those 8 billion chickens and making sure they are healthy enough to eat is no easy job. You may think it is a simple process for a chicken toRead… Read more »

Aligning Cybersecurity to Agency Missions

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, The Future of Cybersecurity, which examines 15 trends transforming the way government safeguards information and technology. What’s the point of cybersecurity? If you ask a security professional, she will likely say the goal is to prevent network intrusions and halt cyberattacks when they occur. But ifRead… Read more »

What You Need to Know About the Possible Government Shutdown

The U.S. federal government is mired in political budget wranglings that may result in another government shutdown. If this seems all-too familiar, that’d be the painful memories of the last government shutdown in 2013. But, the federal government can’t stop completely. And, even though the possible government shutdown is just a couple of days away, it’s far from certain that it willRead… Read more »