10 USAJOBS Tips That Will Get You a Federal Job

A lot of people are looking for federal jobs today, and if you’re one of these people it’s important to look before you leap. Before you apply, make sure you scrutinize the announcement like an eagle scrutinizes a rabbit before swooping down to catch it and eat it. Scrutinize all you want, but please don’tRead… Read more »

Let’s Better the World

Esri’s User Conference brought together GIS lovers from around the world. The four-day event held in San Diego on July 20-24 explored problems unique to every sector while exposing attendees to fellow users and experts on the latest in spatial analysis, web and mobile apps, location analytics, big data, open data, and ArcGIS. As anRead… Read more »

Zero to ‘Secure’ in 60 Seconds: 3 Tips for Using Agile Security to Create a Security Posture

You’re hired…. Now ‘do’ security! That’s a common challenge to information security professionals hired into an organization that previously had not staffed security positions.  Daily breach headlines, and evolving threats, can make the pursuit of a security program the equivalent of a game of ‘Whack-a-Mole’.  After spending a few years in the security consulting arenaRead… Read more »

3 Tricks to Implementing DevOps

It’s no secret that budgets for IT in the government are shrinking every year. But at the same time it’s imperative that agencies find ways via technology to deliver their mission to the people more effectively and efficiently. But how? DevOps, the new way of thinking about software development, is helping agencies achieve their ITRead… Read more »

Strategic Federal Human Capital Management – Talent Acquisition

ederal Chief Human Capital Officers and their teams recognize the need for a more strategic view and plan to address human capital management requirements and drive increased strategic value. As they collaborate on the best ideas to achieve this, there are also more tactical initiatives that can be undertaken in the near-term that will ultimately… Read more »

How To Build A Pleasantville-like Community With ArcGIS

In Pleasantville, the streets are clean and happy, vibrant individuals populate the city and nothing bad ever happens. But as GovLoop moderator Emily Jarvis said in our recent online training, Making Business Happen: ArcGIS for Economic Development, “Dreaming of Pleasantville and building it are entirely two different things.” Jarvis then went on to note aRead… Read more »

7 Ways to Survive and Thrive a Reorganization

What is the word that inspires the biggest groan from government employees? That’s right, reorganization. When you work at any level of government, agency reorganizations can hit like a hurricane, leaving us feeling like we have been buried under a ton of debris. As today’s government works toward adopting a more agile and businesslike environment,Read… Read more »