3 Reasons Why You Need a Happy File
I’ve learned the importance of having and maintaining a happy file at work, and I’ve found it so beneficial that I will always make it a priority to keep an updated happy file.
I’ve learned the importance of having and maintaining a happy file at work, and I’ve found it so beneficial that I will always make it a priority to keep an updated happy file.
For GSA, collaboration is more than just a buzzword or standing at a podium talking to stakeholders. It is a dialog – a give and take that includes understanding and respecting everyone’s needs, goals, and values. Successful collaboration happens when everyone is committed to the core principles of trust, understanding, and compromise– and the end… Read more »
It doesn’t take a genius mastermind to get the idea ball rolling. Innovation is for everyone and everyone can benefit from it. This was made clear in a recent report, The Global Flourishing of National Innovation Foundations, published by the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation. Stephen Ezell, Director of Mobile Innovation Policy for the InformationRead… Read more »
If only this story involved a horse. Instead, and luckily for you, it involves a story of the city of Los Angeles, Open Data Genius and yesterday’s online training panelist, Kyle Hall. But there is still a trace of Paul Revere’s midnight ride because open data has the power to carry news. Open data canRead… Read more »
If you were to come by my desk early Wednesday morning, you would have found me listening to the GovLoop State and Local Government Innovators Virtual Summit on my iPhone while I was working on a presentation and messaging with a colleague about an event we were planning. I was also answering emails in betweenRead… Read more »
You don’t treat a bullet wound with a Band-Aid. You don’t take a bald head to the beach without sunscreen. And you shouldn’t take all issues within your office at face value. A common technique for getting to the root cause of an issue is called the “5 Whys,” and it can be a great… Read more »
After years of hiring freezes and budget cuts, we have been able to finally back-fill behind people who have retired years ago. And with work load increasing, and a decent budget, we are also able to hire some “entry level” positions to off-set our aging workforce. Often, our job openings are filled by others fromRead… Read more »
“It’s part of life to have obstacles. It’s about overcoming obstacles; that’s the key to happiness.” – Herbie Hancock System updates..upgrades…capabilities…permissions. I prefer not to hear those terms anytime soon. I met with some tech-savvy staff every day this week. I have not reached the finish line, but I am closer to my goal. MyRead… Read more »
On Wednesday, GovLoop hosted its Second Annual State and Local Government Innovators Virtual Summit, an all-day, virtual event with six different online trainings, networking opportunities and resources to help state and local govies do their job better. Below is a recap of our session on The Secret to Better Records Management. Records management is oneRead… Read more »
It’s that time of year again. The leaves are turning and all you want to do is curl up with a nice hot drink and a good book. But what should millennials read this fall? This list comprises a mix ranging from career advice to some inspirational memoirs and fun reads that can help allRead… Read more »