A New Wave of Federal Customer Service

The customer is always right. Right? Well, that may not always be correct, but it is a good rule of thumb to follow. However, I think most of us tend to associate this golden rule with the private sector. But now, there seems to be more of a push from the public sector to betterRead… Read more »

Are You Magnanimous? (That Means Forgiving)

President Abraham Lincoln cobbled together a coalition of moderate Republicans, radical Republicans, former Democrats, former Whigs and representatives of border-states to face America’s greatest challenge since the America slipped from Great Britain’s grasp. More precisely, he led our nation through a bloody civil war that killed more Americans than the total casualties from all theRead… Read more »

Securing Cyber Environments through the Workforce

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, The Future of Cybersecurity, which examines 15 trends transforming the way government safeguards information and technology. A common misconception is that cyber criminals only target systems. In reality, these criminals target employees to get access to government systems and citizen data. Chesterfield County CIO Barry Condrey saysRead… Read more »

The Power of Prediction: Bridging the Gap between Government and Efficiency

Most Americans would probably agree that government—at all levels—is less than competent when it comes to efficiently managing taxpayer money. If you conduct a web search on “wasteful government spending,” you will be presented with a multitude of results that highlight the sad reality of government waste. Yet, despite this grim view of government operations,Read… Read more »

The Benefits of Well-Placed Idealism

I recently read a job announcement for a well-known local nonprofit organization that included the standard position description, responsibilities, skills, and personal attributes required. But it also included something atypical for a job description: the announcement listed that the candidate must possess the qualities of “passion, idealism, integrity, positive attitude, mission-driven, and self-directed.”  Wow – whatRead… Read more »

Getting the Most Out of Your Data with Flash Storage

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, Top Challenges & Solutions From State and Local Governments, which examines 16 case study examples transforming the way government safeguards information and technology. Although at first glance data storage doesn’t stand out as a top innovation in government, Pure Storage has taken a unique approach, delivering notRead… Read more »

Show Me the Motivation

In the iconic 1996 movie Jerry Maguire, the phrase “show me the money” became one of the most recognized phrases in movie history. Uttered by sports agent, Jerry Maguire (played by Tom Cruise) to his football player client, Rod Tidwell (played by Cuba Goodling, Jr.) the phrase took on a life of its own asRead… Read more »

What Can Data Sensors Do For Your Community?

As we prepare for GovLoop’s Second Annual State and Local Innovators Virtual Summit, we are posting blogs about many of the sessions and some of the tips and best practices are experts will share. The summit is September 16th from 10AM-5PM ET and free for everyone — make sure to register here! Sensors are everywhere, in personnelRead… Read more »

4 Email Productivity Tools That Actually Work

How many hours a day do you spend dealing with your email? It’s probably more than you think. Although email is a useful tool for getting business done, it can also be a huge time suck when you’re wading through confusing team threads or sorting through newsletters you don’t remember subscribing to. Fortunately, some veryRead… Read more »