Better Data, Better Decisions

In the Next Generation of Government Training Summit session, “Analyzing Data to Make Better Decisions,” Kirsten Dalboe, MGMT Cube Program Manager at DHS, and Gray Brooks, Senior API Strategist at GSA, shared their successes with using data to improve performance and efficiency. Kirsten was the “data scientist” behind the DHS Management Cube, which integrates financial,Read… Read more »

The Promise of Design Thinking

“The desire to bring new ways of thinking into government is like an insurgency,” said Joshua Marcuse, Senior Advisory for Policy Innovation at DoD. One of those ways of thinking is design thinking, also called human-centered design (HCD). To learn more about design thinking, we spoke with Zvika Krieger, Director of the Strategy Lab atRead… Read more »

Know Your Worth

Government- we live for it, we fight for it, we bleed for it. Okay, maybe that’s a little much. But one thing is certain, young govies are highly invested in their careers because they are invested in serving the public. Just as they say in the highly popular Game of Thrones series, govies say, “TheRead… Read more »

Reframing American Politics

At the age of 33, Don Ness was elected mayor of Duluth, Minnesota. Once an industrial heavyweight on par with Detroit, Duluth had a soaring 20 percent unemployment rate. Although decline had stabilized by the time he came into office, pessimistic voices within the town defined the city’s story. “Stability doesn’t inspire,” Ness observed. HeRead… Read more »

How to Work Well with Millennials

“I am a millennial champion!” proclaimed Lee Caraher, author of Millennials and Management: The Essential Guide to Making it Work at Work, during today’s Next Generation of Government Summit. In a room filled with hundreds of millennials, this assertion got a big cheer. However, Caraher admitted that there are many people in the workforce whoRead… Read more »

How the U.S. Digital Service Defines Success

Mikey Dickerson’s measure of success is simple. If the disability claims backlog isn’t a backlog, if open enrollment on goes well, and there are more immigration services online in the next 529 days, then his team has done its job. “By the fruits you will know this,” Dickerson said Monday at the Next GenerationRead… Read more »

Take the Unexpected Detour … and Connect

Connect. That was the word author and storyteller Greg Neri started off with this morning during the second day of the 2015 NextGen Conference here in Washington, D.C. Neri has traveled around the country and has written several books inspired by true life. He has worked with inner city middle and high school students andRead… Read more »

6 Tips to Get Ahead in Gov

Dave Uejio, Acting Chief Strategy Officer of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), gave us a hard truth at today’s Next Generation of Government Summit. He said, “There are barriers in place that preclude us from reaching our potential.” In government, he continued, this can be particularly true. Especially if you’re a woman or racialRead… Read more »

How to Spark Innovation at Your Agency

Quick, be creative! For most people, this is a tall order. Thinking creatively on-demand is not an easy task; in fact, it can be outright intimidating. But, according to four experts in the field, it’s also probably not a necessary one for innovation. Results from OPM’s 2014 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey indicated that nearly 91Read… Read more »