Got EI? Why Emotional Intelligence Matters at Work

Does it ever feel like some people are just “easy” to get along with at work: the boss that really “gets” you, and goes out of her way to develop you; the colleague you love brainstorming with, or the employee who always anticipates what you need from him, almost before you know yourself?  …While othersRead… Read more »

How to Make the Most of a Government Conference

Conferences offer a unique experience to hear from experts, to network with colleagues in your industry, and to facilitate ongoing learning. However, you won’t make the most of the opportunity by simply showing up. Here are a few tested methods for ensuring you not only arrive, but thrive at your next conference. Make connections beforehandRead… Read more »

6 Tips to Lead Like a President

This year, I was  chosen as one of 60 Presidential Leadership Scholars and participated in the inaugural program that concluded in July. There were six sessions over six months that focused on four leadership abilities: Engaging Others Through Vision and Communication Making Decisions Working Collaboratively to Influence and Persuade Stakeholders Building Working and Strategic PartnershipsRead… Read more »

Innovation Entrepreneurs Unite!

You have nothing to lose but your silos! Last month, nearly 200 enthusiastic innovators from more than two dozen federal agencies gathered to share ideas and inspire each other with stories of what they are doing in their agencies. Using “lightening round” presentations, nearly a dozen presenters shared their stories. Andy Feldman from the DepartmentRead… Read more »

Stopping Tragedy in Its Tracks

On April 5, 2010, disaster struck Montcoal, West Virginia. Late in the afternoon, an explosion rocked the small town’s Upper Big Branch coal mine. After four days of attempted rescue, none of the 29 miners survived the blast. It was the worst mining disaster the U.S. had seen in over four decades. As an administratorRead… Read more »

Why We Need to Stop Skipping Our Lunch Breaks

If you’re anything like me, you know this scenario all too well….emails flying back and forth, voicemails and calls to return, multi-tasking at least two different urgent issues, putting out countless fires….then 12:00 rolls around and you think, “I’ll just do one more thing,” which turns into two or three things and by the timeRead… Read more »

But What Is A Medjack?

Internet of Things (IoT) endpoints, any connected or smart device, are woven into almost any fabric of life, including public health and medicine. For example, IoT can be an implanted device such as pacemakers, insulin pumps, or cochlear ear implants. IoT is also an x-ray, MRI, blood gas analyzer, or Electronic Medical Records (EMR). These areRead… Read more »

NextGen @ Census

I’m sure by this point you’ve heard of the Next Generation of Government Training Summit, the premier annual leadership training, co-produced by GovLoop and Young Government Leaders. But what you may not know is that NextGen is more than just an event that takes place once a year – it’s a movement currently taking shapeRead… Read more »

Proximity-to-Care: Mapping to Maintain Health and Well-being

Geographic information system (GIS) is back – and we’re not just talking about maps this time. We’re talking about a tool that creates a new vision of health improvements – a data-driven way to visualize and understand the large volumes of data and the allocation of resources needed for healthy communities. So yes, maybe we’reRead… Read more »