Shining A Light On Gov Change Agents

Time Magazine has their list of the most influential people. The Wall Street Journal chronicles titans of business. And the NextGen Summit has their list of best change agents in government – the NextGen 30. The NextGen 30 represents all that is great in government leadership, innovation, technology and collaboration. (All month long we introducedRead… Read more »

Collaboration, Not Enforcement in New Zealand

Over the last few weeks, I’ve noticed increasing references to government agencies as enablers rather than enforcers or regulators. I think that this is a side effect of 2 ideas that are gaining acceptance: the shift in the public sector to focus on trust rather than compliance seeing the public sector as an inter-connected systemRead… Read more »

Case Study: Implementing DevOps at US Courts

This blog post is an excerpt from our recent industry perspective, Accelerating Your DevOps Journey in the Public Sector. To read the full thing, head here. To learn a little bit more about how DevOps is being implemented on the ground in the public sector, we sat down with Peter Chin, Application Development and ArchitectureRead… Read more »

CFPB and its Lean Startup

Meet Monte Desai! Our incredible NextGen Public Service Award Finalist. Desai is a Product Manager at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and focuses on technology and innovation. After the financial crisis, he started work at CFPB to make markets for consumer financial products and services work again. Read on to learn about his incredible… Read more »

Government By Design – Innovations at the DoD

Meet Josh Marcuse, a finalist for the NextGen Courageous Champion Award. As a Senior Advisor for Policy Innovation at the Department of Defense, Marcuse blends nonprofit mission committment with private sector innovation to make government more effective. Applying principles of human-centered design, Marcuse is fostering creativity and collaboration across the public sector.

Plan Your Summer Vacation Around Customer Experience

It’s finally here. That time of year when seemingly half of the federal workforce flees the city for a well-deserved vacation. It’s a magical time for those of us who stay behind: Less traffic shortens our commutes, the Starbuck’s and food truck lines are shorter, and fewer people at meetings means more decisions get made.Read… Read more »

7 Questions to Help You Run an Efficient Meeting

A good meeting is a magical thing. Ideas flow, decisions are made, and everyone leaves invigorated and ready to take on the world. The problem is that good meetings – like most magical things – are rare beasts indeed. What should be a fantastic team tool often turns into a slogging, frustrating experience where nothing gets accomplishedRead… Read more »