DIY: Financial Transparency

“Data can be beautiful, and it should be.” That’s what Julie Steenson, Deputy Performance Officer for the City of Kansas City, described as the inspiration behind the city’s engagement with data and citizens in Wednesday’s online training, “How Kansas City Engaged Citizens with Open Data.” In order to make data accessible to a wide variety ofRead… Read more »

Breaking the Glass Ceiling in Local Government

There’s been a lot of attention paid lately to the 13 percent statistic: the portion of chief administrative officers in local governments that are women stands at 13 percent, roughly the same figure it was in the 1980s. It’s an important issue, and a complicated one, and I asked my colleague Jan Perkins for someRead… Read more »

How the Social Security Administration Hit A Customer Experience Trifecta With A Mobile App

The Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program had a problem: it was paying out way too much in unearned benefits to program participants. This was happening because participants weren’t reporting their income often enough. As participants’ incomes went up, their SSI eligibility went down – but they continued receiving SSI benefits basedRead… Read more »

Cloud Procurement Lessons from NASA and Arlington County

Trying to understand and explain the intricate details of cloud computing is hard — even for the government’s biggest techies. But even harder than that is navigating the cultural and technical challenges of buying cloud services. “Procurement was probably the hardest part of getting into the cloud,” said Roopangi Kadakia, NASA’s Web Services Executive. SpeakingRead… Read more »

Moving Forward with the Cloud

Unless you’ve been pulling a Rip van Winkle in the woods for the past 20 years, you’ve probably heard of cloud computing by now. Many private sector companies have successfully integrated cloud services into their infrastructure; now government organizations are beginning to follow suit. At Govloop’s Evolution of the Cloud event, Deputy CIO of theRead… Read more »

The Great Cloud Migration

When it comes to cloud systems, government agencies tend to be more risk averse than those in the private sector. The move to the cloud can be especially difficult for less adaptable staffs. Fortunately, there are many great examples of agencies in government taking the risk to migrate to cloud services. At the conclusion ofRead… Read more »

How the Cloud Enables Tech Transformations

It’s an accepted fact that cloud is a valuable and respected technology in government, and that it’s quickly evolving and become ever more important in a variety of agencies. But what we don’t often stop to think about is how cloud computing actually enables everybody at all levels of government to achieve something traditionally difficultRead… Read more »

6 Synergistic Listening Tips: More Than the Sum of the Communication Parts

Knowing what gets in your way names it. Then you can work around, or through it. Agreeing to disagree when it’s not possible or unnecessary to agree preserves the relationship. Preparing your points with potential objections and probing questions in mind makes you look unfazed by road blocks. Multi-tasking when distractions win out keeps up… Read more »

Hiring Social Media and Digital Expertise: A Hierarchy

Although social media can no longer be considered a novelty, many organizations (especially small- and mid-sized groups) are still trying to figure out whether and how to leverage it as part of their marketing, branding, public relations, customer service, and revenue-generating efforts. In conjunction with those determinations, they must also figure out the best approachesRead… Read more »