Not Your Father’s Federal Government Civilian Workforce

Frustration, Rage, Anxiety, Despair! These are the feelings I have heard from many federal government civilians who have endured hiring and pay freezes, furloughs, sequestration, and government shutdowns, as well as current and pending workforce drawdowns and budget reductions. Add to the mix, the front edge of the Baby Boomer generation became retirement eligible in… Read more »

Digital Engagement Series Part 1: Align Measurable Objectives with Communications

Originally posted on the GovDelivery blog. We recently published a thought leadership piece on how digital marketing leads to better public engagement. Over the course of the next few weeks, we will break down each step so you can put our plan to practice within your own organization. The following post will explore “Part 1” of theRead… Read more »

What Agile Means for Government

This post is an excerpt from our recent guide, Agile, DevOps & More: How to Succeed at Government Project Management. To download the guide for free, head here. To learn more about Agile, we spoke with Elizabeth Raley, a board member of Agile Government Leadership, which is an organization that helps bring applied Agile practices toRead… Read more »

Schlepping Through Cybersecurity Hiring

For cybersecurity workforce hiring in state governments, it’s hurdle upon hurdle. The challenges keep emerging, and states have to constantly keep up with the difficult terrain. The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) recently released a study on the challenges facing state government IT workforces. The report highlights findings from survey data collectedRead… Read more »

Your Cybersecurity Cheat Sheet

Unless you have an advanced degree in cybersecurity, you might be a little confused by all of the techy lingo used to define the threats to government information. How is an advanced persistent threat different from a regular threat? Is phishing what your dad makes you do on camping trips? Isn’t a troll just a mythicalRead… Read more »

The Tech Loop: Let’s Get Digital, Digital

The Tech Loop is a weekly compilation of the latest happenings in government technology gathered from around the web. This week’s topics include cybersecurity, digital services, and big data. Cybersecurity Can’t we all get along? Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced the department’s new cyber strategy that is attempting to harness the power of Silicon ValleyRead… Read more »

Esri’s Story Map Contest!

Storytelling is a fundamental part of our culture. Through images and narrative, any story has the ability to captivate an audience. Esri took this concept and elevated it to another level through ArcGIS Story Maps. Story maps combine interactive and multimedia components to fully engage audiences in their map’s content. Government agencies across the worldRead… Read more »