How English Class Helps You Understand Unstructured Data

This is a salute to my brethren from the liberal arts, but also anyone who has ever thought English composition class was useless. What is it about understanding how writing happens that is so boring even if writing itself is fun, especially if you have only 140 characters and are not bound by spelling orRead… Read more »

Digital Storytelling vs. Blogging: The Difference is…?

Last week, I wrote about how I go through my creative process, essentially how I get down to the nitty-gritty of how I write a story. When I started this job, I thought I’d just be blogging. Just like I do on any of my personal digital spaces. But instead, I’m doing some “digital storytelling.”Read… Read more »

Supporting Insider Threat Identification with Continuous Monitoring

The following interview with Chris LaPoint, Group Vice President of Product Management at SolarWinds, is an excerpt from our recent guide, Securing Government: Lessons from the Cyber Frontlines. In this guide, we review five tactics government organizations are using to enhance their cybersecurity. The risk of insider threats isn’t anything new – recent breaches like WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden’sRead… Read more »

Spending Data: Boring Or A Bureaucracy No-Brainer?

Why government transparency? We talk a lot about transparency, but what do citizens really want to know about all of the extraneous government information they’ve got floating around? The most obvious answer is that people want to know that the hard-earned money they fork over each year on taxes is put to good use. LikeRead… Read more »

Public Servants, Are You Ready to Feel the Love?

One week a year, extra effort goes into making sure that more Americans learn about the awesome people who work in public service. This celebration happens during Public Service Recognition Week from May 3–9, 2015 and honors federal, state, county and local government employees. Across the nation there will be acts of appreciation, special events, media attention, and a social media storm. While publicRead… Read more »

Everyone Lied: There IS an “I” In Team!

You have been living in a world of lies since kindergarten. From the time you thought paste was a member of the food pyramid, you were taught that there is no “I” in team. And while the spelling bee members of your team were correct — the letter I is not actually in the word — thoseRead… Read more »

5 Questions to Ask Departing Federal Employees

Last week, I explored how federal agencies can use HR data to build predictive models to evaluate and reduce costly employee turnover. An article published in Business Insider this month described how HR software company Workday built an app to help employers do just that. Workday claims its software can not only predict who isRead… Read more »