These County Governments Deliver Non-Stop Action

Whenever I think of county government, an annoying ear-worm of a song pops into my head. Backed by a twangy hoedown tune at odds with the county’s New York suburban character, the TV commercial for the Westchester County Fair sang promises of “Rides and attractions! Non-stop action! Shows! Animals! Fireworks, too!” Hokey summertime county fairs were my firstRead… Read more »

Thoughts from New Zealand: Does Open Source Lead to Open Society?

The set up Last week I want to a conference called Open Source // Open Society (OS//OS). While conferences are great opportunities to learn new things, I normally wouldn’t blog about one. But this one got me thinking about the ‘open society’ aspect and how it fits with government, especially with the work my team isRead… Read more »

How to Beat the 5 Top Excuses For Not Improving Your Agency’s Customer Experience

Naysayers love to complain that real customer experience (CX) improvement is only for the private sector because government is subject to unique and insurmountable pressures. Don’t believe them. Many major corporations must overcome the same hurdles, and some federal agencies are finding ways to break out, too. Use this list of comebacks to subdue governmentRead… Read more »

Continuous Monitoring Must Include Continuous Sharing

It’s hard to manage what you don’t measure. We’ve all heard the saying in various contexts, but this is especially true on the cyber front. In fiscal 2014, agencies reported spending $3.8 billion to monitor federal networks for internal and external malicious cyber activity and another $3.1 billion to detect, analyze and mitigate intrusions, accordingRead… Read more »

How to Thrive as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) in the Workplace

First of all, what does it mean to be a highly sensitive person? Not to be confused with introversion or shyness, the concept of the “highly sensitive person” (HSP) was coined by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D. in the early 1990’s and refers to about 15-20% of the population with a highly sensitive nervous system. InRead… Read more »

Overcoming Cultural Barriers to Cloud & aaS Adoption

The following post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent industry perspective, Changing the Conversation: The Case for “As-A-Service.” In the brief, we examine five major challenges to aaS and cloud adoption and provide strategies to overcome these barriers. Ultimately, we aim for readers to view aaS and cloud not just as an IT issue, but as a sound businessRead… Read more »