Someone’s Health Depends on It: A Guide to Digital Health Communication for Every Audience

By Amy Sanders Only 12% of the U.S. population have the skills needed to obtain, process, and understand health information (NAAL). This statistic is staggering when you consider how many people consume health information online; according to Pew, 72% of internet users say they looked online for health information within the past year. What doesRead… Read more »

The FY 2016 Budget: Details Worth a Look

The Administration’s FY 2016 budget proposal shows that it is committed to creating capacity and sustainability for performance-and-results based government. It’s all in the details. Beyond the dollars in the President’s budget, there are some details buried in congressional justifications that are worth examining. I think there are three sets of initiatives – that forRead… Read more »

Talkin’ Pretty: Design and Accessibility

We’ve got a new twist this week, folks. Since I’ve been blogging mostly about accessibility, I wanted to talk with someone who approaches accessibility from a different perspective than a subject matter expert. I met with a designer who works for a federal government agency and has a refreshing outlook on design and accessibility. SheRead… Read more »

11 Rules for Using Government Email

On Monday, the New York Times reported that Hillary Clinton may have violated federal records laws when she used her personal email to conduct all of her official State Department business during her four years as Secretary of State. Federal law states that certain emails written or received by federal employees become government records andRead… Read more »

Suffering From Data Downtime? You’re Not Alone

Today, data has become a new natural resource and is powering many services we rely on. Think about your smartphone: every app and service is powered by data. From restaurant and movie reviews, to GPS directions and weather alerts, authoritative data, often made public by government, helps provide these services. With access to data beingRead… Read more »

Chatty Treasures

People are known to collect coins, comic books, antique dolls, pez dispensers, vintage tees and even Japanese erasers! But what about stories? How can one become known as a “story collector”? Simply put, get others to tell you a story. Oddly enough, few people harness the natural power of storytelling in the workplace, but learning howRead… Read more »