Crystal Ball Predictions For Government Technology

Many of us are antsy to see our futures before they happen. Haven’t we all been tempted to have our palms read or consult a crystal ball reader? In government, thankfully, such adventures are unnecessary, as we have qualified experts who can make predictions for the coming years. William Eggers, Director for Public Sector ResearchRead… Read more »

Building Partnerships For Women’s Advancement

Whether you’re excelling in your career or facing discrimination at work, it’s good have a community to support your efforts. As a woman in government, fostering diverse partnerships is crucial to bolstering your career. We spoke with Jill Melnicki, a technology consultant for state and local governments, on the need for professional women to developRead… Read more »

4 Pointers for Getting Your Conference Proposals Accepted

A mentor of mine once told me about an important distinction when deciding how to spend one’s finite work time. A focus on the day-to-day fixing of issues, meeting with clients, and delivering the deliverables was spending time “in the business.” Getting your head up out of the weeds to see where you were headed,Read… Read more »

Got Balance?

When I was growing up, I’m sure my parents and most others who were working adults struggled with what we now call “work-life balance.”  My dad had a full-time job and worked part-time on weekends.  My grandmother worked in other people’s homes, and my mom worked outside the home, off-and-on, but mostly kept our home.Read… Read more »

10 Big Things Every Consultant (And You) Should Do

A consultant (should be) someone who offers good advice. Many times this is advice based on subject matter expertise, experience, or other unique qualifications. However having a particular subject matter expertise or experience is only one facet of being a good consultant. Great consultants have a lot more than just expertise – they understand howRead… Read more »

Government Managers as Risk-Takers? Not So Much

Wunderkind Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg talks about risk taking: “The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.[1]” And yet a recent government-industry conference[2] included a discussion on the question of whether federal leaders will take onRead… Read more »

Synchronize Email With Your Other Marketing Channels

While email continues to rule the digital communication space [ADD STATISTIC HERE], marketers cannot afford to ignore the growing popularity of social channels as an opportunity to further the connection with their audience. Learn how to use other communication channels to increase your email reach and vice-versa.

The ‘No-Brainers’ That Trainers Often Forget

You not only have great communication skills, you’ve trained employees before. So training those in other agencies/organizations is really no big deal. Right? Well, I’m here to tell you that there are many pitfalls to avoid and tips for success. What makes me qualified to offer you this advice? I’ve designed dozens of training sessionsRead… Read more »

The Intersection of Knowledge Management and Learning

I’ve never worked in knowledge management, but I do work in learning and development, and it’s always fun to find new applications for the Pareto principle. You know, the one where 80% of outputs are the result of 20% of the inputs…or something like that. In learning applications, Lombardo & Eichinger’s 70-20-10 rule is often citedRead… Read more »