Talent Management’s 3 Rs – Don’t Miss the Relationship Piece

The same goes for most of those in HR, or at least the ones in charge. Sure, there are lots of processes to deal with, and more and more there are new tools such as analytics to delve into to help HR professionals do their jobs better. But, relationships are critical to talent management, and… Read more »

Sunny Skies For Cloud Services

Users, for a while, had mixed feelings toward cloud services. Cloud could be seen as a burden to adopt in government agencies and an overall security risk. However, the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) helps address these problems. At first, the FedRAMP system received lukewarm reviews. However, in light of a recent revampRead… Read more »

The 7 Deadly IT Sins

It’s a scary cyber world out there. Threats are becoming more sophisticated, effective, and pervasive everyday. According to a Government Accountability Office report, cyber threats to federal agencies increased 782 percent between 2006 and 2012. What’s more, a Center for Strategic and International Studies study estimated the global cost of cybercrime at over $400 billionRead… Read more »

20 Tips to Ace Your Next Presentation

There are many things in life I hope to accomplish, and speaking in public is one of them. The only problem? I shiver at the thought of actually stepping on stage…but lucky for me, I don’t have to do it tomorrow. However, yesterday morning I did have to present to twenty people. My hands wereRead… Read more »

8 Tips for Changing Culture in the Federal Government

There are so many long-running projects in government that have failed to gain traction or reach full implementation. When leadership sits down to figure out why, one of the top reasons (outside of cost overruns and missed deadlines) tends to be culture, or the necessity of culture change. Of course, that’s a pretty big undertaking.Read… Read more »

The Digital Transformation of Organizational Functions

No one would argue with the notion that social and digital technologies are having a significant – and sometimes dramatic – impact on societies and economies. And though most people may not yet refer to this as the Digital Age or Era, they would likely concede that we are indeed transitioning away from a worldRead… Read more »

What Does It Really Take to Get Things Done?

Finally, research shows why cross-functional collaboration is so important to getting things done. A recent survey of 400 global company CEOs found that executing their company’s strategy heads their list of challenges. Related studies show two-thirds to three-quarters of large organizations struggle to implement their strategies. What these studies found sounds very familiar to whatRead… Read more »

Location, Location, Location: Working in Headquarters vs. Field Offices

By Lily Whiteman, author of “How to Land a Top-Paying Federal Job”; speaker on career issues; Twitter: @Lilymwhiteman What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of working in federal headquarters offices located in the Washington D.C. area vs. working in federal field offices located throughout the U.S.? This question is answered by the two tablesRead… Read more »

Data, Data, Everywhere

We’re producing more data – and increasingly more unstructured data – than ever before. This seemingly endless flow of information from a wide variety of sources has facilitated valuable insight into previously unknown areas and has unlocked significant economic potential. But for government, as well as other sectors, data is only good if it canRead… Read more »