Comfortable…Around People with Disabilities?

I had a friend who always said, “As quiet as it’s kept…” meaning he would call out the so-called “elephant in the room”; the topic that no one wants to talk about. You could expect to hear… “As quiet as it’s kept, the only reason they laugh at Uncle Herb’s corny jokes is because he givesRead… Read more »

Hiring Shame on Age?

As Baby Boomers are retiring (or so we thought) younger and younger Americans right out of colleges are occupying the spaces of an older worker. Employers might assume you’re close to retirement and don’t need that promotion, but that’s far from true for most Americans. They might also assume that older employees will miss moreRead… Read more »

19 of the Coolest Government Mobile Apps

There’s pretty much an app for everything these days. And that on-the-go accessibility to the information you need has slowly been creeping into federal and state government over the past few years, driven in part by a presidential memo encouraging a federal digital strategy and contests encouraging app developers to come up with creative newRead… Read more »

The Big 50: GovLoop’s Super VIPs

Last year, GovLoop hosted over 45 online trainings, 20 in-person events and published nearly 25 guides! (We were a little busy…) We covered everything from open source technology and big data to project management and public speaking. We had over 30,000 people attend our trainings. To our awesome members that blog, download our guides and attendRead… Read more »

Advocating and Training with Federally Employed Women

Through GovFem, I’ve been privileged to meet a number of outstanding leaders in the field of government diversity. I’ve also been exposed to a number of amazing organizations that are advocating for and training women to succeed in the public sector. Most recently, I spoke with Michelle Crockett, President of Federally Employed Women (FEW), aRead… Read more »

The Present & Future of Distance Learning in Government

This week I met with Dale Carpenter, the National Park Service’s (NPS) Distance Learning (DL) Program Manager, to collect some thoughts about the current and future state of DL in government.   Dale’s unique perspective includes experience from years of service in both the public and private sector. What does a day look like inRead… Read more »

Finding Your Agency’s Shining Stars

According to Katherine Archuleta, Director of the Office of Personnel Management, four out of ten federal employees will be eligible for retirement in the next five years. With the impending emptying of desks, who will step up and be the government’s new shining stars? Defense and intelligence are fields of government where there is noRead… Read more »