Identifying and Dealing with a Weed (Toxic Person) in Your Garden?

Dealing with Toxic People (in my People Gardening terms I really like “Weeds” better), is not always easy. Of course we go through those same thoughts I asked originally, pull them, ignore them, eradicate them, but you know, what I’ve realized, is that it doesn’t make us any better to pretend them away in any… Read more »

Check out the Esri Federal GIS Conference!

It is no secret that Esri and their GIS software have expanded beyond land use mapping. GIS can be used in almost any area of research and planning. This technology is changing the way industry and government are thinking about our future. With all their success, many professionals are still not aware of how GISRead… Read more »

8 of the Best Citizen Engagement Efforts in Government

Back in 2010, the White House launched, a platform provided by the GSA that gave federal agencies the opportunity to create contests aimed at increasing public participation in the federal government. The idea of soliciting citizen input certainly isn’t a new one—state, local, and national governments have been using paper forms, websites, and (now)Read… Read more »

Employee Wellness Strategies that Don’t Cost a Dime

It’s the end of January – are you fit yet? Me neither. In fact, across the nation, the wave of new gym members has waned and the post-resolution blues have firmly set in for most of us. Rather than getting discouraged, my co-workers and I are together finding ways to build healthier choices into our dailyRead… Read more »

Four Lessons From the Norovirus

For the past four days, I have been battling an invisible foe – the norovirus. Since absolutely no one wants to hear about the aliments and side effects of the stomach bug, I will spare you the grisly details. You’re welcome. But I did actually learn some surprising things while I was battling the virusRead… Read more »