Many Hands Really Do Make Light Work

I know, I know. That “many hands make light work” expression is nothing new. We’ve all heard it before, although, I typically prefer a different variation: “teamwork makes the dream work”. I’ve always accepted it to be true, but I have never seen it on quite the scale that I witnessed at Arlington National CemeteryRead… Read more »

A Call To Arms For Cybersecurity

Think back over the recent history of high-profile cyberattacks. Target, Sony, CENTCOM, celebrity nude photos, to name a few, but the list goes on. It’s starting to seem like every time we open our news portals, there’s word of yet another breach in cybersecurity. Chris Dorobek, host of the podcast DorobekINSIDER, recently interviewed a leadingRead… Read more »

What Does a Creative Organisation Look Like?

“I think it is important to point out that creativity is a human capability. It is not owned by, or restricted to artists, designers and architects; everyone has it, but the real question is how you harness creativity in such a way that it can be made productive.” There has been a growing recognition inRead… Read more »

3 Keys to Your Career: Passion, Relationships, and Mastery of Trade

For 65 years my grandfather worked as a tailor at Learbury’s in Syracuse, nearly the entire duration of the company. He was a master of his trade, tailoring suits for mayors, governors and the uniforms for the Triple A baseball team in Syracuse (at the time it was the Yankees, now it’s the Nationals). HeRead… Read more »

The Open Office Layout: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Although the public sector typically falls into the laggard category of adopting workplace trends, the open office layout is something that just cannot be avoided nowadays. According to a study conducted by Emerald Insight, over 70% of all offices have switched from cube farms to the open office layout. So whether you like it orRead… Read more »

Why You Should Be Following Interior on Twitter

The day I discovered the U.S. Department of the Interior (@Interior)’s twitter feed, my sense of patriotism just about doubled. Not only is it a great example of how a federal agency can use social media to inform people about our nation’s resources and programs, but also, it’s incredibly fun and beautiful to scroll through.Read… Read more »

It’s Time for Your Security Health Check

If you were feeling a little unsettled about possibly missing a list of “all-things cybersecurity products” offered on GovLoop’s “From Framework to Action: Understanding the NIST Cybersecurity Framework” online training yesterday, I’m here to tell you that it may be time for your security posture check-up. “The idea of security being a certification or aRead… Read more »

When Cutbacks Become Amputations: Trim the Fat, Not the Foot

The idea of cutbacks doesn’t have to be synonymous with layoffs, but when budget cuts are imminent it’s only logical that we start looking for redundancies in our staff. But consider what this means. Nobody takes it lightly when the axe man cometh, but when we eliminate staff we are making the declaration that theirRead… Read more »