Traps to Avoid When Implementing Cloud

The following blog post is an excerpt from a recent GovLoop resource: Your Guide to Using Everything-as-a-Service. In the guide, we explore how agencies can maximize the benefits of cloud technology by creating a holistic everything-as-a-service (XaaS) strategy. An interview with Mike Younkers, Director of U.S. Federal Systems Engineering at Cisco Across government, agencies are implementingRead… Read more »

What Gov & Taylor Swift Have in Common

Police dash cams are important for things such as transparency, security, and incident documentation/verification. You know what they’re also great for? Video evidence of cops belting out Taylor Swift tunes. In a time when police officers need all the good publicity they can get, the Dover, Delaware Police Department posted a video on their YouTubeRead… Read more »

In Praise Of Office Friendships

This infographic from OfficeVibe highlights statistics from several reports on friendship and employee engagement to come up with an unsurprising conclusion: we’re happier at work if we have friends there. Workdays seem shorter when we can take a break to laugh with a friend at the water cooler. The organization as a whole seems moreRead… Read more »

XaaS Cloud On The Ground: Insider Perspectives

Cloud computing, ironically, often seems vague, theoretical, and hard to pin down. Like a cloud in nature, it can be hard to wrap our minds around the concept. This month’s DorobekINSIDER LIVE with Chris Dorobek was a virtual training entitled “Get on the Everything-as-a-Service Train”. It featured a panel of experts who have seen cloud’sRead… Read more »

6 Audiences to Consider When Communicating Your Agency Messages

The Plain Writing Act of 2010 and Executive Order 13563 both require that we communicate clearly, accessibly, consistently so that government information is easy to understand. The principles of plain language help us provide universal access to government information, for many people. We’re told to “write for average comprehension,” when we use those principles. So,Read… Read more »