Courage: A Necessary Ingredient for Any Effective Enterprise Risk Management Strategy
Here’s how VITA’s former CIO sees courage and its essential role in forming any agency’s enterprise risk management strategy.
Here’s how VITA’s former CIO sees courage and its essential role in forming any agency’s enterprise risk management strategy.
Innovation doesn’t have to be the enemy of providing reliable services — it can help agencies do more with less. Here are some tips on how it’s done.
Sunshine Week, March 12-18, is an annual event honoring the idea that government functions best when it operates in the open. Here’s Part 1 in a series of posts about the state of federal transparency in 2023.
Dealing with difficult personalities in the workplace can be tough. Learn how to identify, motivate and empower the 5 most common personas.
Agencies are challenged with the explosion of data, and have to work to dominate the data, rather than letting it dominate them.
Here’s a recap of the New Supervisors in Gov Virtual Networking Event on change management.
Randomized experiments with multiple wording or design options (A/B testing) can assist in decision-making to help people better understand what you’re trying to communicate.
You’re in a job. Your supervisor just doesn’t see what you can do. Whatever the reason — there you are, stuck in a corner. Now, What Do You Do?
Taking an unconventional, “zig-zag” approach to career development, in which you embrace flexibility and variety rather than linear progression, has many rewards.
Do you have professional development on your to-do list for the month of March? Setting aside time to gain new skills, deepen your understanding of topics important for public servants or just to learn something new is critical for moving your career forward.