Addicted To Our Phones? Government Transitions To The Mobile World

We’ve all been there. That moment when we sit down to lunch, coffee, or just spending time with friends, and suddenly realize that every person in the room is zoned out on their smartphone. But despite unfortunate scenarios like these, much of mobile technology can enhance the ease of our existence and even help governmentRead… Read more »

Promoting Women in Executive Roles – And Why Men Should Care

The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) has released a survey with some hard-to-believe results. Today, only 13% of chief executive positions in local government are held by women – a number that has remained exactly the same since 1981. A lot of other things have changed since the same year IBM introduced the first personalRead… Read more »

Your 3 Step Process for Tackling Complex Projects

Ever been tasked with a new project that you find challenging? Maybe your supervisor recently stopped by and asked you to craft a new communications plan, research information governance policy, or write a memo on some pending legislation. When these situations occur, no matter your job title, you become a researcher. And to get smartRead… Read more »

The Dos and Don’ts of Professional Networks

In a recent post, we offered 8 Tips for Networking. I know, I know. It was a great post and now you feel like you can network any event and leave with a zillion business cards. (I’m blushing! Stop it!) Actually, there’s more to networking than making a connection. To truly have a network, youRead… Read more »