The Connect Effect

I spend roughly nine hours a day in front of my computer working — minus bathroom breaks, lunch, meetings and a little Internet surfing for “research purposes.” Eighty percent of my duties involve direct interaction with a keyboard, my Outlook email account and a Word document of some sort. I’m a communicator by profession. My jobRead… Read more »

GSA's Tangherlini

DorobekINSIDER: GSA administrator leaving

Dan Tangherlini, who has led the General Services Administration since April 2012, will leave that post in February, he told GSA employees in a agency-wide e-mail. He did not say where he was going. Tangherlini came to GSA after a tenure at the Treasury Department and joined the agency following the resignation of Martha JohnsonRead… Read more »

A New Year’s Lesson In Progress: PerformanceStat and Government Agency Improvement

It’s been two weeks since the kick-start to New Year’s resolutions, and hopefully everyone’s still in the mindset of self-improvement. But you and I aren’t the only ones who set improvement goals for ourselves. Christopher Dorobek, host of the podcast DorobekINSIDER, spoke with Bob Behn, Senior Lecturer at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, andRead… Read more »

“Hello, My Name Is…and I Am Afraid of Being Hacked.”

For the first time since I became an internet user (1998), I admit that I am afraid of being hacked, and apparently, I am not alone. According to Reuters, U.S. citizens fear having their credit cards, computers, or smartphones hacked more than any other crimes.[1] Six years ago, I planned our Florida destination wedding entirelyRead… Read more »

Using Cloud Today… and Tomorrow

The following blog post is an excerpt from a recent GovLoop resource: Your Guide to Using Everything-as-a-Service. In the guide, we explore how agencies can maximize the benefits of cloud technology by creating a holistic everything-as-a-service (XaaS) strategy. An interview with Chris O’Connell, Vice President of Federal at Appian Today, most public sector organizations have begunRead… Read more »

We Still Need to Convince People About Accessibility

I just read a blog post about the benefits of an accessible site. Despite working in accessibility for the past 15 years, sometimes I still get surprised that we even need to have the conversation about accessibility being necessary and the right thing to do–particularly in government where we’re required to comply with Section 508.Read… Read more »

How to Protect Your Agency’s Social Media from Hackers

On January 12, a group claiming to be connected to ISIS hacked the Twitter and YouTube accounts of U.S. Central Command, also known as CENTCOM. If the military can be hacked, is your agency’s social media vulnerable to a hacker attack? How can your agency protect itself on social media? The hack of CENTCOM’s socialRead… Read more »

Life and Work are All About Perspectives

This week, I was fortunate enough to attend the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) Mentor Program event where Steve Ressler, GovLoop’s CEO and Founder, was invited as a guest speaker. The event was designed to congratulate the 650 + participants of the program, reinforce the importance of what everyone was doing, and share some inspirational storiesRead… Read more »