
How To Create A GSA Schedule Sales Query

If you haven’t learned by reading my posts I am very adamant on performing your research before you get into handling a GSA contract. Although you can use sales queries after obtaining a GSA contract it would be best to create a query before. This is another way of making a determination if a GSARead… Read more »

Clause Logic Should Be Awesome

I’ve never heard a contract specialist say, “FARSite Clause Logic is awesome”. But they should be saying that. It has the potential to save a hundred of hour per year for each contract specialist (of which there are tens of thousands). Unfortunately, I don’t know anybody that uses it. I know I don’t use it.Read… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Almost 400 former House staffers registered to lobby in last two years

The revolving door is alive and well in Washington. In less than three years, at least 378 House staffers employed in personal and committee offices have left Capitol Hill to become registered lobbyists, a Sunlight Foundation analysis of House disbursement data and federal lobbying records finds. More than two in five former House staffers whoRead… Read more »

Sunlight Labs: Introducing Lapidus, an Analytics Dashboard

Lapidus is an Analytics Dashboard we developed in response to our desire to track metrics for all of our projects, whether they are web sites, APIs, mobile apps, etc. Sunlight has multiple projects that target different audiences and have different uses, but it is important for us to understand how all of these projects areRead… Read more »

HR Professionals, Social Media, and Talent Acquisition of the Future

By Ebony Scurry, PHR, GCDF-I Social Media for HR Professional Development Should HR professionals be using social media tools? Being connected with social media tools can make it easy for an HR professional to stay up to date on the latest trends and resources that will impact themselves and their customers. Human Resources professionals canRead… Read more »

Deltek Pulse: justice, public safety and homeland security January review

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. This year is already off to a strong start for justice and public safety procurement. After a slow November and December, procurement departments across the country entered 2012 with refocused attention on the market. While the actual number of solicitations released decreased from December, several RFPs hit the street inRead… Read more »

Procurement Innovation Challenge Now Open: Share Your Story

What have government agencies done to innovate procurement systems? What creative measures have been taken for successful procurement reforms? If you have a great story to answer these questions, bring it to the Procurement Innovation Challenge. The Challenge has just launched and invites members of the GovLoop community to share experiences in innovative approaches, processes,Read… Read more »

Should Government Contractors Be Banned From Making Political Contributions?

Legislation banning government contractors from making political contributions to government officials often called “Pay to Play” exists in eleven states. Three cities in New Jersey: Newark, Jersey City, and Hoboken also have enacted legislation prohibiting Pay to Play. Companies and individuals that conduct business with cities and counties often provide the lion’s share of campaignRead… Read more »

Keeping Track! The Next Scud Hits Federal Compensation

So many pieces of legislation and so little time for campaigners to come up with ways to inhibit/prohibit pay increases for Federal employees. Proposals are coming out of Washington like scud missiles but looking less like true, well-researched bills to address real concerns with Federal compensation. What’s next? Freezing promotions? Here’s an abridged list ofRead… Read more »