
Contract Management 101: A FFP contract is not T&M

One thing that I have seen a lot of is the misapplication of performance-based contracting tenets, especially when it comes to requirements. Basically, some requirement offices slap “Performance Work Statement” as the title, delete “Statement of Work,” and maybe add some metrics and measures. Voila, a “performance-based contract” is born. However, the contract line itemRead… Read more »

Contract Management 101: A FFP contract is not T&M

One thing that I have seen a lot of is the misapplication of performance-based contracting tenets, especially when it comes to requirements. Basically, some requirement offices slap “Performance Work Statement” as the title, delete “Statement of Work,” and maybe add some metrics and measures. Voila, a “performance-based contract” is born. However, the contract line itemRead… Read more »

Contract Duplication, Small Business Goals and saving Taxpayer Dollars: What do they have in common?

With regard to contract duplication, last week’s post highlighted the Air Force’s recently issued RFP IDIQ for multiple award contracts for commercial office furniture. By its own terms, the Air Force’s acquisition strategy as articulated in its draft RFP duplicates current GSA schedule contracts for commercial office furniture. In fact, the RFP instructs offerors toRead… Read more »

GovBytes: NYC Tests Potential Solution to Parking Woes

Those living in cities are more than familiar with circling blocks for parking spots, unable to find one. New York City, however, is testing a solution that’s been tried in San Francisco. NYC will be utilizing small sensors placed on the ground in parking spots which will transmit information on whether or not a parkingRead… Read more »

8 Simple Steps To A Successful Bid

A successful bid can be clarified as a well thought out realistic response to the agencies needs. Being able to produce a successful bid is not an easy task, FAR clauses, specifications, and requirements can drain anybody’s energy. Here are 8 steps that can produce a successful bid: Market Research– Before you attempt to respondRead… Read more »

Cost of Procurement

I am looking for information on the cost of a procurement from RFP/RFQ/IFB to Contract. I am trying to come up with a figure as to how much savings agencies can realize in soft dollars by riding or bridging another agencies contract.

Agile Acquisition – How Do We Really Do This?

BY now, we’ve all heard about the agile development process and how, today, an iterative approach to developing/implementing IT programs is in vogue. We’ve also heard all the many complaints about how the Federal acquisition process is too slow to keep up with rapidly changing technology, evolving requirements, etc. We also are aware that anyRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: The presidential super PACs: five takeaways

The first round of SuperPAC annual filings came in yesterday, and we at Sunlight have been digging through them since. Our reporting team has been blogging the reports as we digest them. Below are five takeaway points, based on a Sunlight Foundation analysis of FEC filings for nine super PACs that raised at least $500,000Read… Read more »

Sprint Leads Wireless Industry in Green Power, Securing No. 13 on EPA Fortune 500(R) Green Power Partner List – Only wireless carrier named to National Top 50

press release Jan. 31, 2012, 1:00 p.m. EST Sprint Leads Wireless Industry in Green Power, Securing No. 13 on EPA Fortune 500(R) Green Power Partner List Only wireless carrier named to National Top 50 OVERLAND PARK, Kan., Jan 31, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Sprint Nextel /quotes/zigman/240259/quotes/nls/s S +1.28% announced today that the company has movedRead… Read more »