
Trends on Tuesday: Who’s Got a Tablet?

New mobile form factor, tablets, surged over the holidays. According to Pew Internet and American Life project, The share of adults in the United States who own tablet computers nearly doubled from 10% to 19% between mid-December and early January and the same surge in growth also applied to e-book readers, which also jumped fromRead… Read more »

Are You Making These Mistakes With Government Contracts?

Government contracts are a lucrative asset if utilized properly, of the already existent contractors that hold contracts a small portion fulfill their task orders to its full term due to small mistakes. Staying abreast of your contracts activities can help you avoid making these mistakes: Non-performance– Do not bid on a task if you areRead… Read more »

Make Government Faster By Focusing On The Space Between Tasks

This is part 2 of my series on Ken Miller’s great book Extreme Government Makeover. In part 1 I explained how Miller describes government as a house where the important work goes on in the pipes hidden from public view behind walls. Miller’s position is that the problem with government is that it cannot meetRead… Read more »

Deltek launches new blog series exploring the evolution of insurance exchanges

Deltek Analyst Amanda White reports. As promised, Deltek’s health care and social services team is kicking off a blog series centered on our recently released report, “Evolving Health Insurance Exchanges.” The report provides an in-depth analysis of states and their steps toward implementing these one-stop shops. It also provides high-level recommendations for vendors trying toRead… Read more »

Sunlight Foundation: Freedom of Information in Minnesota (and 2012 proposals for change in the Minnesota law)

State Freedom of Information laws are in the limelight again. This time from Minnesota. The state’s proposed revision’s on FOIA have bloggers writing about the importance of accessing government data before a crisis happens. Charles Leck offers his view on how the state’s proposal on what constitutes as public data may affect access to informationRead… Read more »

Avoid These 10 Common Pitfalls In Your Federal Resume Work Experience Section

By Kathryn Troutman, Author, Federal Resume Guidebook and CD-ROM, 5th Ed. and Federal Career Consultant, Do you want to avoid the most common pitfalls that I have seen in the Work Experience section of the federal resume? Whether you are just sitting down to draft your federal resume, or if you already have whatRead… Read more »

Contracting-Out or Outsourcing In-House Functions – Doing It Right

Contracting-out or outsourcing in-house functions is many times viewed as a panacea to problems an organization is facing or as a sure way to reduce costs, which is not always what happens. Here are some considerations in planning to implement the contracting-out or outsourcing of an-house function. Use these considerations as a starting point; theRead… Read more »