
Acquisition in Government: GovLoop Sub-Community

Wondering how can government be a better buyer 2012? Congratulations – you’ve come to the right place. The GovLoop Acquisition Sub-Community is dedicated to connecting you with the people and resources to help you do your job better in the acquisition world. Share – First, we want to encourage you to use it as yourRead… Read more »

Obtaining Senior Management Buy-in

As I was teaching our IDIQs and Task Orders course on Monday, we were reviewing the best practices for a quick and efficient proposal development process. One practice was conducting a proper kickoff meeting. After attending many proposal kickoffs (some of which included a proper breakfast and a long PowerPoint), and then watching a proposalRead… Read more »

ManTech gets into health IT with acquisition

ManTech International Corporation has acquired health systems integrator Evolvent Technologies. The move signals a push by ManTech to get into health IT as part of it’s contracting offering. Evolvent has experience working with federal health systems. Evolvent provides services in clinical IT, clinical business intelligence, imaging cyber security, behavioral health, tele-health, software development, and systemsRead… Read more »

Engaging Citizens vs. Streamlining Bureaucracy

Forty years ago, Congress passed a law to make government agencies more accountable and transparent in how they sought advice from industry and the public. It was called the Federal Advisory Committee Act. But over the years, the way the law was implemented led to less citizen involvement and reluctance by agencies from seeking advice.Read… Read more »

Are There Government-Friendly Gadgets to be Seen at CES?

It seems odd that consumer electronics companies would choose to showcase their wares after the biggest gift-giving holiday of the year, but here we are in early January and the Consumer Electronics Showhas again pitched its tent in Vegas. There’s a lot of coverage already–including this contrarian take inveighing against the show–and one journalist hasRead… Read more »

Contract Management not Sexy, but Necessary

A recent Defense Department inspector general report found that contracting officers and their representatives (COR) at the U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity need to step up their game when it comes to improving contract performance and acquisition outcomes. The report shins a light on a reality hitting many procurement offices, where the intense workload,Read… Read more »

Top 6 Essentials of a Government Start-up Accelerator

Love the idea of the new government-focused startup accelerator created by Code for America. We need more talented entrepreneurs working hard to solving government problems (instead of just creating iphone apps or another new games). Government is a huge market so it’s potentially lucrative for entrepreneurs and also really meaningful as there are deeply importantRead… Read more »

The Shrinking Federal Budget Makes GSA’s Mission Even More Critical

This week, the Department of Defense announced the results of its strategic review and outlined its vision for the future. At the same time all across government, departments and agencies are also facing strategic, long range decisions on how to accomplish their missions efficiently and effectively in time of severe fiscal stress. As we tackleRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: White House proposes 0.5 percent pay increase for federal workers

Ed O’Keefe reports the White House is planning to propose a “modest cost of living increase in federal compensation” in the 2013 budget that “would be the first pay jump for federal workers since before President Obama ordered a two-year freeze in late 2010.” Senior administration officials said the proposal would require professional approval andRead… Read more »