
BGov Brief: Removing Wasteful and Duplicate Contracts in Federal Government

In September of 2011, President Obama issued a memorandum to reduce wasteful duplication in federal contracting. The memorandum was part of President Obama’s Campaign to Cut Waste. The memorandum requires that starting January 1, 2012, all agencies will submit their business cases to a White House database before opening any new contracts for bids. TheRead… Read more »

Nothing about Iowa, only today’s political law links

ROEMER SEEKS PUBLIC FUNDS. News here. “The Federal Election Commission has only received one request for primary season matching funds, so far. It is from Buddy Roemer, who is simultaneously seeking the Republican nomination and the Americans Elect nomination.” OBAMA AMENDING. Politico. “It adjusted downward its contribution and cash-on-hand figures by a few thousand dollars,Read… Read more »

5 Must Haves In A Contractor Teaming Agreement

I have explained to you what a contractor teaming agreement is and how it is used in an earlier post here. Now I want to provide a few tips on specific elements that you must have in your agreement. A CTA is a valid contract that is meant to define the duties that are toRead… Read more »

Trends on Tuesday: Over 1 Billion Served

This holiday season saw another mobile milestone reached. A record 1.2 billion apps were downloaded by iPhone and Android owners last week. According to mobile analytics firm Flurry, 20 million iOS and Android devices were activated between December 25th and December 31, 2011. A record-breaking 6.8 million iOS and Android devices were activated on ChristmasRead… Read more »

As law enforcement moves to cloud, security concerns loom large

Government agencies at all levels are examining how to use cloud services as a means of upgrading their systems while maximizing value. Moving to cloud can allow agencies to condense sprawling IT systems, offer more mobility options and manage legacy systems. However, along with all of this convenience comes a significant security headache. Many agenciesRead… Read more »

Christmas Vacuum

Well, I didn’t have a Christmas tree this year. Not even a fake one. But I did have a vacuum cleaner. A big red vacuum cleaner. With presents. It was just perfect. Of course, what does this have to do with procurement? Well, have you ever thought what it takes to manufacture an actual vacuumRead… Read more »

Are Reverse Auctions A Way For Government To Save Money?

New York State through law and regulations imposes procurement requirements that local governments must abide by. One of the recommendations of Governor Cuomo’s Mandate Relief Redesign Team is to allow local governments to conduct reverse auctions electronically. As I was not familiar with utilizing reverse auctions in government, I did some research into the topic.Read… Read more »