
Recovering from the Recovery Act, Part 3

President Obama created a new oversight board in June 2011 as part of his new Campaign to Cut Government Waste. He directed it to report to him in December on ways to improve accountability, based on lessons from the implementation of the Recovery Act. That report is now out. President Obama created the Government AccountabilityRead… Read more »

Officer-worn cameras: A feasible investment

Deltek Analyst Joanna Salini reports. The public safety sector has taken full advantage of new-wave video streaming as a way to obtain information. Not only can videos be used to make 911 calls, but officers are now using various video surveillance technology to assist in making arrests. Officer-worn cameras have been implemented in a handfulRead… Read more »

Too Small To Win? Civic Hackers Thwarted by Procurement Rules!

Peoples of the Procurement Departments! Hear me now! What in the world have you done? Have you doomed us all!? I present to the people of #OpenGov some of Chicago finest civic coding craftsmanship – Don’t keep reading, click the link first then come back to me. See the awesome disclosure powers of thisRead… Read more »

INEAP: Bringing Agencies Together for Small Business

We have all heard the phrase, “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” In the case of the Interagency Network of Enterprise Assistance Providers (INEAP), “winning” is defined as creating successful partnerships working for the benefit of small businesses in the United States. INEAP was created to foster collaboration among the sometimes-viewed-as-disparate federal agencies andRead… Read more »

LA-RICS project and construction management RFP

Deltek Analyst Luke Harris reports. In November, the widely-anticipated LA-RICS project request for proposals (RFP) was released, and on December 6, Los Angeles County, Calif., released an associated RFP for project and construction management services. The RFP seeks a vendor to manage the LA-RICS project in accordance with the highest professional standards. The consultant isRead… Read more »

Evernote: Productivity Tools For Government Contractors

I know I normally write about about GSA Contractsand federal government Marketing, but I figure if you are reading this you are a federal government Contractor or employee and continually hunting for productivity tools. I have already been using Evernote for a few years now, but only recently has the impact of how useful thisRead… Read more »

6 Recommendations for Improving Security Clearance Management

Tim Clark, Government Executive, Charlie Allen, INSA, John Fitzpatrick, National Archives On the whole we’ve slain the dragon of taking months, if not years, to process clearances on the front end. Anecdotally there are still horror stories, but there’s no denying great strides have been made. From an average of 446 days to process initialRead… Read more »

Mergers, executive privilege, earmarks and elections, and more political law links

FIRMS MERGE. Roll Call. “Duane Morris Government Affairs has scooped up GSP Consulting Corp. The combined shop, which will be called Duane Morris Government Strategies, is part of an effort to expand in the nation’s capital and in state capitals such as Harrisburg, Pa.” PRESIDENTIAL FUNDRAISING. BusinessWeek. “President Barack Obama, who has been characterized asRead… Read more »

Give the Gift of the Government Man

First, a brief commercial. At he risk of being accused of blowing my own horn, my book, Confessions of a Government Man, would be an ideal gift for any govie, past present and future. Check out my website for more information. Now, for today’s blog. This excerpt from the book is about another ofRead… Read more »

Contractors Are Mission Critical, Not a Necessary Evil

Former head of the Coalition for Government Procurement Larry Allen, now President of Allen Federal Business Partners, wrote a spot on article recently calling out the absurdity of the current environment of anti-contractor sentiment running rampant throughout the federal government. Recent examples of these activities, among many, includes the Office of Management and Budget’s recentRead… Read more »