
OSS Procurement FAQ: Part 4

From my research with government technical staff, I discovered that strictly speaking, there are not many issues that are truly “unknown.” Usually, the case is that the issue has at least has been experienced by government staff, but no best practice has clearly emerged. And then, sometimes it is not the issue that is unknown,Read… Read more »

How the Federal Government is Slowly Embracing Mobile by AlexOlesker

Mobile computing, primarily smartphones and tablets, is one of the most disruptive technologies today. Increasingly sophisticated portable personal computers are providing unprecedented opportunities to work from anywhere and access solutions wherever and whenever they are needed, leading to great productivity gains. Yet mobile computing in the enterprise also brings security risks by introducing many newRead… Read more »

Deltek Pulse: Justice/Public Safety and Homeland Security November Review

Deltek Analyst Kristin Howe reports. November was a slow month for procurement within the homeland security and justice and public safety (JPS) verticals. The word cloud below provides a graphic representation of the words most commonly found in this month’s solicitation titles. Equipment, maintenance, services, police and security were all popular topics. Number of PublicRead… Read more »

DOD confirms US Army Civilian Force Reduction – MetroDCites affected

The 2012 Presidential Budget requires the US Army to reduce civilian employees to comply with funding decrease demands. The Department of Army announced today it is moving forward with plans to reduce the size of its civilian employee workforce. The intended 8,700 civilian employee reduction will be completed by 30 September 2012. According to theRead… Read more »

What is the Opposite of a Solar Subsidy?

The answer, apparently, might be something like India’s recent solar auction. India has a goal of installing 20,000 megawatts of solar power by 2022. But instead of subsidizing the industry to spur growth, India has set up a reverse auction. According to a recent article in Bloomberg, under the program, the government [of India] proposedRead… Read more »

Should Contract Savings Go to Gov Employees?

What I’m positing will be controversial to many. If a government employee is clearly and directly responsible for realized savings on a contract, should 1% of contract savings, capped at $10,000 per year across all contracts, go to the employee as an award for good work? I know that the federal government will give whistleblowersRead… Read more »