
November health care and social services recap

Deltek Analyst Aila Altman reports. November proved to be a busy month for statewide Medicaid management information systems (MMIS) and other Medicaid-related IT system components, as well as federal guidelines. After multiple requests for proposals (RFP) releases, rereleases, and postponements, the state of Arkansas ultimately canceled all of its current MMIS procurements and is stillRead… Read more »

GSA, Metro to Coordinate on Locations

With all of the excitement of GOVgreen last week, we didn’t get to share a very interesting article from The Washington Post with you. As reported by the Post, the GSA and Metro are planning to coordinate Metro service and future federal facilities locations to provide federal employees with public transit options at the newRead… Read more »

How to Tell It’s Time to Leave Your Current Contract

The world of contracting has its benefits, not the least of which is the option to try new opportunities and experience new challenges. Along with the benefits, however, are a few drawbacks. The most pressing, especially in these economic times, being the potential for contracts to come to an end, and sometimes rather quickly. StabilityRead… Read more »

Managing Change in an Organization during a Transition in Leadership Tip #3

Managing Change in an Organization during a Transition in Leadership Authored by: Patty Guard, Former Deputy Director of Special Education Programs, US Department of Education, Board Member Public Sector Consortium Ensure stability When the previous boss is departing and you have accepted the position of the acting replacement, there are steps you can take toRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: USPS set to announce closures today

Today is the day the USPS is expected to announce cuts across its entire scope of operations, according to a story over at the Washington Post. Postal officials are slated to introduce formal plans that would shut down 250 of the Postal Service’s 460 mail processing facilities. In addition to closing the processing facilities, USPSRead… Read more »

Government Proposals- 5 Tips That Can Assist You With Your Writing Skills

A government proposal is a short story about you and your company. You would think writing a story about yourself is a piece of cake, but if you want to be presented in an affirmative manner writing that short story can take time and alot of thought. Before you begin writing a proposal you shouldRead… Read more »

What does the federal contract industry hold in store for the future? (part two)

What does the federal contract industry hold in store for the future? (part two), by Donna L. Quesinberry Continue reading on What does the federal contract industry hold in store for the future? (part two) – Washington DC government business | _______________________________ About the Author: Ms. Quesinberry, CEO-President of dpInk: DonnaInk Publications,Read… Read more »

Kentucky opens child fatality records

Kentucky is opening the records of cases in which child abuse or neglect resulted in a fatality or near fatality. According to a directive from Governor Steve Beshear, the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) can redact personal identifying information, but, the the records of these incidents must be made public. The GovernorRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up December 02, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda On December 07, GSA is presenting a Webinar on social media metrics that I will be moderating. Here are some of the articles that I’m likely to touch on: Make it like a game. As the Apps for Healthy Kids site can attest, people are more likely to do the things they shouldRead… Read more »

Distraction Calendar

I recently had a wake up call in how I manage my contracts. I won’t get into the catalyst, but the result has been amazing. See, I get distracted very easily. So I printed out a calendar, tape it to my desk, and put down a tally mark in the day whenever I find myselfRead… Read more »