
Join Web Manager University for two free plain language training events:

11/29 – Plain Language Basics12/9 – Plain Language Writing for the Web Plain Language Basics This seminar will provide an update on plain writing principles and the law. If you write content for external customers and the general public—press releases, emails, articles, newsletters, etc.—this seminar is for you. You will: Gain a better understanding ofRead… Read more »

Local purchasing preference in state and local contracts

Deltek Analyst Luke Harris reports. In order to grow local economies and tax revenue, many state and local governments now take the location of a vendor into account when making procurement decisions. Law and ordinances called purchasing preferences are being implemented across the county in order to give local vendors a leg up in contractingRead… Read more »

FED-pursuit maximum employment

Question: Is it true that the Federal Reserve can get Money from Treasury for Operational Cost? Without going through the appropriation process. Question: Is it true that the Federal Reserve has Authorization by Congress to issue Currency? Question: Is it true that the Federal Reserve is mandated by the Federal Reserve Act to pursue MaximumRead… Read more »

4 Small Business Set Asides That Should Interest You

Small businesses in the federal government have procurements specifically set-aside for contract award. For a procurement to be set aside the Contracting Officer needs to have an expectation that at least two responsible small businesses will respond with an offer and the prices quoted are reasonable. According to size standards set forth in the SmallRead… Read more »

Why Rock Your Tech Report Rocks

Email for templates, tips and best practices: [email protected] Website: I’ll try to give you a quick breakdown why I think this initiative is so important although the GovWin post does a much better job explaining it. See, contracting officers need to have a technical analysis on proposals. This lets the government know it’s gettingRead… Read more »

Health Care and Social Services: Budget and Future IT Business Opportunity Correlation

Deltek Sr. Analyst Chris Cotner reports. In previous articles, GovWin illustrated how state budget efficiency can be used as a metric for future budget increases or decreases. While those articles focused on state all-funds budget efficiency, this article focuses instead on health care and social services budgets. The analysis outlined below offers insight into stateRead… Read more »