
Friday’s political law links and have a great weekend

YESTERDAY’S HOUSE HEARING NEWS. Politico. “The committee members then ordered the FEC to make public a long-undisclosed enforcement manual and penalty procedures or face a congressional subpoena.” The Hill’s report is here. “Among the documents requested from the FEC is the agency enforcement manual, as well as records detailing how the FEC calculates penalties forRead… Read more »

Social reporting through the social silicon valleys

First published at Social Reporters. As we’re preparing for our innovation camp, we’ve been reflecting on how we can stimulate collaboration between entrepreneurs, students andcommunities. Having just seen the impressive Civicrowd being used in South Holland (to my surprise, it’s in England) developed by @davebriggs and it provoked a couple of thoughts as I wasRead… Read more »

A Day in the Life of a Civil Engineer – Day 66

Day 66 Culvert Lining Project It looks like our issue with the culvert lining project has been resolved. We gave the structural drawings from our consultant to the contractor. Theh contractor ended up getting a couple prices from other concrete contractors which were lower than the original subcontractor’s price. So it looks like we willRead… Read more »

October wrap-up for health care and social services

Deltek Analyst Kate Tussey reports. October saw a flurry of health insurance exchange (HIX) activity among the states. West Virginia’s Offices of the Insurance Commissioner released a request for information (RFI) for HIX information technology on October 21. Responses are due by 2 p.m. EST on November 30. A $9.6 million grant awarded in JuneRead… Read more »

6 Contractor Responsibilities Post Award

Your GSA contract has been awarded and now you can relax right? Sorry to disappoint you but the answer is no, you still have more work to do. Hopefully you have had contact or least know your point of contact (Contract Specialist) if you have questions about your contract, if not it is best thatRead… Read more »

Political law links for Tuesday, Nov. 1st

CAIN AND PRIVATE CHARITY ISSUES. The Post. “‘It looks like a law school exam on potential campaign-finance violations,’ said Lawrence H. Norton of Womble Carlyle, a former general counsel at the Federal Election Commission.” JOINT GUIDANCE REGARDING REDISTRICTING. From the House Ethics Committee. “While congressional redistricting is constitutionally mandated, the redistricting process is a stateRead… Read more »

Analyst or Reporter: Implications for Data

I was watching the news the other day and started thinking about the differences between news analysts and news reporters. Many channels now have folks with titles like senior news analyst, senior Washington correspondent, policy analyst, and so on. When did reporting “news” become more than just actually telling folks what happened in a particularRead… Read more »