
4 Core Regulations You Should Know

With any contract there are always rules and regulations and to have a contract with the federal government you need to adhere to the rules and regulations of the specific agency of your interest, in addition to the regulations of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). The FAR governs all federal contracts in the acquisition process.Read… Read more »

What is FedBizOpps and How Do I Utilize It

A largely known website for federal procurement opportunities is Federal Business Opportunities, it can be located at This site has government contract opportunities greater than $25,000. There are several ways to utilize this site and search for potential government contract work. Within the search engine of this website you may use anyone of theseRead… Read more »

Top 5 Government Contract Websites

There are so many government contract opportunities that get passed by because many believe that there is one central website that caters to contract business. Federal Business Opportunities is the most popular site that receives a large portion of online traffic, But wait! I have good news many government agencies post opportunities internally as wellRead… Read more »

The Price Reduction Clause

The pricing portion of a GSA Schedule is the most complex part of the contract. Since the US federal Government is the world’s largest volume buyer in the world, they expect to receive the lowest price possible for products and services. Therefore, every contract established with the GSA must include a price-reduction clause. This requiresRead… Read more »

Have a good day, here are a few political law links for Friday, Oct. 28th

BUNDLERS AND OBAMA. The Times. “Despite a pledge not to take money from lobbyists, President Obama has relied on prominent supporters who are active in the lobbying industry to raise millions of dollars for his re-election bid.” 2012 LOBBYIST GIVING. The Post. “K Street is playing an increasingly central role in the 2012 presidential race,Read… Read more »

Would a Learning Contracting Officer Help Your Agency?

In general, there are three types of contracting officers — the procuring contracting officer, the termination contracting officer and the administrative contracting officer. It may be time to add a fourth type — the learning contracting officer (LCO). You see, contracts specialists train to become full-fledged contracting officers. Much of what we contracts specialists doRead… Read more »

Recovering from the Recovery Act, Part 2

President Obama put Vice President Biden in charge of the implementation of the $787 billion Recovery Act. Ed DeSeve had an eagle eye’s view of the interaction between agencies, states, localities, and non-profits. He shares his lessons learned from Recovery Act implementation, as well as advice for “the next big implementation challenge,” whatever that mightRead… Read more »

If You Could Pick One Thing For Congress To Do Regarding CyberSecurity, What Would It Be?

A friend who is a former Representative and a respected advisor of many senior politicians recently asked me for some thoughts on cyber legislation. In general, people ask my thoughts because of time I’ve spent working strategic cyber issues in the Cyber Conflict Studies Association (CCSA) or because of my history at DoD’s Joint TaskRead… Read more »

Where do you think Social Government should go ?

In many ways, Government is as skilled or even leading private industry in applying social technologies to transform itself. Government already makes heavy use of social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook to communicate with constituents and is pushing into new spaces with efforts to better communicate during emergencies or to facilitate reporting ofRead… Read more »