
The Dog That Caught The Bus – GSA Administrator Martha Johnson

I’m at ACT/IAC Executive Leadership Council where 800 gov’t IT leaders are congregating. Keynote is entitled “The Dog That Caught The Bus” by Martha Johnson, GSA Administrator GSA’s mission is everything for everyone everywhere. To federal, state, local, executive, legislative branches. Change is happening-Previously – budgets were squeezed. We were put on a diet-Today ourRead… Read more »

OSS Procurement FAQ: Part 1

This is part 1 of a recurring series regarding some frequently asked questions on procuring open source software in government. Check back weekly for new installments here at At the Code for America Summit last week, I introduced to the assembled community of civic technologists and supporters the Civic Commons Legal and Procurement IssuesRead… Read more »


Let’s say you are a manager who has worked in an organization for a number of years. You have worked hard to create new processes and systems that assure that your division is working at top efficiency. You have developed a policy manual, written rules, and if you happen to be in government, you haveRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up – October 21, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda First the bad news. QR Codes are now being infected. This is all very Snow Crash. Next, some good news. Fierce Government is reporting that government employee’s use of social media is growing. Key take-away: “Thirty-seven percent of federal workers said they are permitted to use social media as representatives of their agency.Read… Read more »

Thursday’s political law links

OBAMA AND WALL STREET. The Post. “Despite frosty relations with the titans of Wall Street, President Obama has still managed to raise far more money this year from the financial and banking sector than Mitt Romney or any other Republican presidential candidate, according to new fundraising data.” SOLYNDRA EMAIL BATTLE. The Hill. “House Republicans areRead… Read more »

Per Diem Calculator for Government Travel (New and Improved!)

About one year ago, GovLoop created its first mash-up: a combination of GSA Per Diem Rate data, Yelp user ratings and Eventul content so that we could help official government travelers to learn what locals say are the best hotels, restaurants and nightlife in that city.* CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THE PER DIEM CALCULATORRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Is It Time To Update The Hatch Act?

The Washington Post is reporting that Carolyn Lerner, head of the Office of Special Counsel, wants to update the Hatch Act. The Hatch Act is the 72-year-old law that prohibits Federal employees from participating or advocating in most political activities. The Hatch Act prevents any person who receives Federal funds for their employment to runRead… Read more »

Political law links for Wed.

FORMER AIDE SENTENCED. Story here. “Charged in Washington federal district court with filing a false tax return, [Trevor] Blackann, 37, was sentenced today to about five hours in a cell block. U.S. District Judge Richard Roberts also ordered Blackann to serve two years of probation and to perform 50 hours of community service. He pleadedRead… Read more »