

It feels a little like Apple has just been cored. This morning, I don’t think I was alone in shedding a tear. The difference between a geek, a nerd, and everyone else, was probably actually how you felt this morning. Because you see, for the nerds among us, he was more than a genius, anRead… Read more »

Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, and Raytheon on Getting Your Foot In Their Door

If you had the opportunity to speak with VPs from Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin and Boeing simultaneously, what would you say? If you attended MED Week, you would have had the opportunity to figure out how your small businesses could align and even team with these primes. A panel discussion on supplier management —Read… Read more »

General Government Top Upcoming Opportunities Roundup: Northeast

Deltek Analyst Derek Johnson reports. Over the next 6-12 months, a multitude of contracting opportunities will be coming down the pipeline for vendors providing IT solutions. Here is a roundup of some of the largest and most lucrative projects INPUT is currently tracking: Transforming New York’s Information Technology Environment New York is in the midstRead… Read more »

Lowly CO Representatives Get New Attention and Status

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy is turning its attention to a long-neglected function, that of the Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative, or COTR. Starting January 1, 2012, COTRs will simply be called Contracting Officers’ Representative, or COR. The switch from COTR to COR is much more than just a simple title change. It is aRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up – September 23, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda First, a hearty congratulations to Steve Ressler, aka Mr. GovLoop, on his impending nuptials. Here is a blog post for people to wish him well and offer advice on being a married man. Open Government Community Chides DC. The municipal government of Washington, DC, suspended, and then reinstated the Twitter feed of DCRead… Read more »