
Post Award Blues

There is a terrible misconception that once a vendor obtains a government contract money will somehow come rolling in… FALSE. The time consuming process of obtaining the contract is not the hard the work, it is the post award process. To generate revenue for your business you need to have a strategy prior to obtainingRead… Read more »

The Importance of Executive Sponsorship – Mini Case Study

Currently I am working with a client who is in the process of developing an RFP for a Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) solution. The draft RFP was completed in early June and reviewed by project team members, including the steering committee, very quickly. The draft was considered final by mid-June. During this review process, theRead… Read more »

Portland looks at broadband plan

After a series of fits and starts, the Portland City Council will hear a proposal for the city’s broadband plan today. The highly anticipated plan comes after the city backed away from an earlier version that would’ve cost nearly a half billion dollars. City officials want to create a high-speed, city administered broadband network toRead… Read more »

Four Lessons Learned From Implementing Forest Service’s Lauded eMNEPA Program

USFS Program Selected by Presidents Council on Environmental Quality as a Pilot Program to Help Modernize and Reinvigorate NEPA The President’s Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) announced August 31st that the Electronic Management of NEPA (eMNEPA) program at the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) has been selected for the NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) Pilot Program,Read… Read more »

Beautiful, Beautiful Cost Efficiency Factor

The cost efficiency factor gives a lot of flexibility to a negotiator. Let’s be honest: the profit percentage that Weighted Guidelines DD 1547 gives you are very low. In fact, I can’t think of many commercial businesses that would accept a profit of 3% on a contract, especially after all the effort a contractor putsRead… Read more »

Successful Flea Market

The Neighborhood flea market, held yesterday at St. Paul’s United Methodist church, was a great success. Approximately 45 vendors participated. The community turned out strong to purchase items and socialize. This is what community is about. When people get out and meet each other, when they have reason to be supportive of each other, communityRead… Read more »

How Do You Stop A Contracting Disaster?

In light of the new inherently governmental rules that have been published by the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, decision making by the government in regard to acquisition strategy comes to mind. When it comes to hiring contractors to assist in performing acquisition functions, it is very much a caveat emptor situation. Contracting is aRead… Read more »

AFGE’s Field Services and Education Department Produces Two New “Must Read” Bargaining Manuals

AFGE is issuing two manuals that are ‘must reads’ for anyone engaged in bargaining. Produced by the Field Services & Education Department, the Collective Bargaining Manual walks the reader through the basics of federal sector bargaining. It is useful whether you have never bargained or if you have bargained for years. There are insights coveringRead… Read more »