
Wolfram Data Summit Day 2: James Powell, CTO Thomson Reuters

Kicking off day 2 of the Wolfram Data Summit is James Powell, CTO of Thomas Reuters. Thomson Reuters and Big Data James Powell CTO, Thomson Reuters Thomson Reuters is the leading source of intelligent information for the world’s businesses and professionals. The massive changes in the scale, volatility, and latency requirements caused by big dataRead… Read more »

Happy-Nearly-Here-Government New Year

Well I haven’t had much time to talk recently. This is because it’s the nearing the end of the fiscal year for government, as you govies and contractors know. For those not familiar, government celebrates its New Year’s Day at the end of September when fiscal money expires (i.e. Congress says you can’t use certainRead… Read more »

Contractors Use Webinars, Social Media To Extend Their Voices

I originally published on GovWin Communication is an important aspect of any business, but how do new media tools affect government contractors seeking to team with others? In addition to social media tools like LinkedIn and Twitter, there are additional tools like company blogs and webinars that all play a part in extending the voiceRead… Read more »

Recoverying from the Recovery Act?

States and localities were the front line for implementation of more than $275 billion in spending via more than 65 programs. They also faced pressures to spend, spend quickly, spend wisely – and report what they did in almost real-time. A new IBM Center report examines what happened in several cities in Virginia. In 2009,Read… Read more »