
Thursday morning’s political law links

TODAY’S FEC MEETING. The Federal Election Commission meets today and the meeting agenda is here. UNION SUPER PAC PURPOSE. The Hill. “AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said Wednesday that the super PAC being set up by the labor federation will help unions earn their independence from political parties.” KEVIN RING IN THE NEWS. Commentary here. “IRead… Read more »

New Extension Process Coming this Fall!

You may know that GSA has recently converted to using the E-Mod and E-Offer system for virtually all contract modifications and submissions. The one action that cannot be done through the eMod system is the contract extension, which occurs every five years. But not for long! GSA recently announced that they will begin using eModRead… Read more »

Things Change Even If They’re Just Right

You may have know my love, nay — obsession — with Just Right, the greatest cereal ever created. See, it was simply delicious and ridiculously good for you. (Check out the nutritional facts at I ate this cereal everyday, sometimes 6 bowls a day, from ages 8 to 15. Unfortunately, Americans lost their tasteRead… Read more »

DFAS Cybersecurity Survey Results

In July, created and distributed a survey on the new proposed Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to safeguard unclassified Department of Defense information on contractor networks. After receiving responses from government, industry, and academia, we’ve summarized feelings and expectations towards the policy below. Of the respondents, 73% said that they were familiar withRead… Read more »

August 29th 2011: Butterfly Overseas Held In Connection With The Causing Of Hurricane Irene

An unidentified butterfly off the coast of Africa was being held in connection with being the cause of Hurricane Irene in the eastern United States. Late Friday evening, the butterfly had flapped its wings just west of Africa, possibly causing Hurricane Irene to be formed on the otherside of the world. “This butterfly caused billionsRead… Read more »

It’s Time for a Tech Rebellion in Government

Rebellion abounds today, how can Government’s capture the passion and sustain the movements? I wrote this piece earlier this Summer for the Lower House of Congress in Mexico in anticipation of my publishing deal for my upcoming book, “Rebel Technology”. I wanted to publish it again given the events in Libya and what will potentiallyRead… Read more »

The Cost of Compliance

Have you ever heard of a potential customer being “wowed” by a company’s policies and procedures ? NO of course not! Customers are impressed by slick technology, impressive office space and well spoken business development directors. Few small businesses ever want to spend their precious working capital on something as uniquely unglamorous as accounting andRead… Read more »