

IMPORTANT: This information should not be downloaded using government equipment, read during duty time or sent to others using government equipment, because it suggests action to be taken in support or against legislation. Do not use your government email address, government address or government phone in contacting your Member of Congress or filing out thisRead… Read more »

RTA revokes staff credit cards

The Regional Transportation Authority (IL), which oversees transit services in greater Chicago, has revoked credit card privileges for most employees after a high-ranking official apparently used her card for personal expenses. The charges were considered accidental, and the agency was reimbursed, but the agency decided it was time for a change. “It’s kind of handyRead… Read more »

1,759 .gov Domains….

Yesterday White House, GSA, and OMB released the official list of .gov domains Check it out at 1,759 is obviously a ton of domains and lots can be consolidated. I do have to say that you count them in a bunch of different ways as lot of domains redirect to others like thatRead… Read more »

Calix rides the wave of federal broadband stimulus funds, wins work in several states

Tweet Print PDF Calix, a California based provider of broadband access systems and software has been on a roll lately picking up contract wins nationwide as states begin choosing vendors for stimulus funds awarded for broadband expansion. The company, which offers a unified access portfolio allows customers to deploy virtually any service over fiber- andRead… Read more »

A Short History on a Mobile Contracts Workforce

We are a deskbound bunch, shackled once by typewriters and then desktop computers. This is changing. This transformation started with a BlackBerry penetrating the government, and now iPhones, Android phones and iPads are making headway. People say that the mobile workforce will be something new; in reality, it’s something old. It was this way beforeRead… Read more »

5 tips for a supercharged procurement process

By: Gavin Bowden-Hall in Share0 “The private sector has no reason to stimulate a healthy market so truly ‘open competition’ is rarely undertaken… without adopting a best-practice procurement process, and orchestrating an open competition, how can business be sure of value for money? Or is it that ‘value’ is just measured differently, and is lessRead… Read more »

Justice, public safety and homeland security June review

Deltek Analyst Evan Halperin reports. The justice, public safety and homeland security markets for June seemed to follow the same trends as May: radios and waiting. In May, radio projects and radio frequency rebanding efforts were occurring all over the country, and little changed in June. Over the past several monthly reviews, prescription drug monitoringRead… Read more »

Leading or Expecting?

Something to think about. It’s been easy for us to continue to blame the economy for stalling business decisions or putting our personal lives ahead of the business at large. When these behaviors manifest themselves, we have one place to look to solve the issues. Internally. Often companies are making decisions based on the WIIFMRead… Read more »

The digital press office

One innovation in the way that local councils communicate is the developments of digital press offices, or newsrooms. There are two elements to these, I think. The first is having a digital savvy communications team, who get the growing importance of online new sources and the need for mixed media; as well as the increasinglyRead… Read more »